Month: September 2023

Whispered Melodies: A Journey Through Verses – Book Review

"Whispers Melodies - A Journey through Verses" is a collection of English poems written by Neerja Bhatnagar. With profound insight and heartfelt expressions, Neerja takes readers on a poetic journey that explores the interconnectedness of nature, emotions, and the human soul.
Whispered Melodies – Book Review

Book Details

Title: Whispered Melodies: A Journey Through Verses

Author & Illustrator: Neerja Bhatnagar

Publisher: Self-published

Genre: Poetry

Type: Kindle

Price: ₹99


“Whispers Melodies – A Journey through Verses” is a collection of English poems written by Neerja Bhatnagar. With profound insight and heartfelt expressions, Neerja takes readers on a poetic journey that explores the interconnectedness of nature, emotions, and the human soul.

The book immerses readers in the enchanting beauty of the natural world, where Neerja skillfully weaves words to paint vivid imagery. Neerja’s poems beautifully evoke the vast array of emotions nature can evoke within us. Beyond the realm of nature, the poet delves deep into the intricacies of human emotions, exploring the tapestry of joy, sorrow, love, and longing. With exquisite sensitivity, Neerja’s verses evoke empathy and resonance, offering solace and understanding to readers who have experienced similar emotional landscapes. Her poems serve as a bridge between hearts, reminding us that we are not alone in our experiences and that our emotions connect us to one another in profound ways.

As the collection unfolds, she delves into the depths of the human soul, delving into questions of identity, purpose, and spirituality. Through introspective verses, she invites readers to contemplate the mysteries of life and the profound connection between the outer world and our inner selves. Her poems inspire readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery, urging them to listen to the whispers of their own souls and find solace and meaning in the harmony of existence.

“Whispered Melodies – A Journey through Verses” is a poetic tapestry that celebrates the beauty and complexity of the natural world, unravels the intricacies of human emotions, and encourages readers to embark on a soul-stirring exploration. Neerja Bhatnagar’s eloquent verses serve as an invitation to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the enchanting essence of nature, emotions, and the eternal soul.
This is Neerja’s first book of verses.

Book Review

“Whispered Melodies: A Journey Through Verses” by Neerja Bhatnagar is a collection of poems that draw inspiration from everyday life. These poems explore universal emotions and perspectives we encounter in our daily lives, and the poet skillfully captures these moments with beautiful rhyme and rhythm. In a literary era dominated by contemporary free verse, Bhatnagar’s work stands out as a refreshing departure with its emphasis on rhyme and rhythm.

Beginning with a poetic dedication to all lovers of verse, this collection embarks on a captivating journey through the world of poetry. Comprising over 50 introspective poems, these verses delve into the realms of nature, our deepest emotions, and the enigmatic bond we share with the cosmos. Each poem invites readers to pause, savour life’s moments, and contemplate the intricacies of our existence, fostering a deeper appreciation for both the ordinary and extraordinary facets of our journey.

I particularly liked the poems titled “Starry Nights” with one from a child’s perspective and the other from that of an adolescent. It’s intriguing to witness how our perspectives evolve from childhood to adulthood. While childhood is filled with wonder, adulthood often brings a sense of longing, and Bhatnagar skillfully portrays this contrast within the same starry nights.

In some of the poems like the one titled “Emotional Breakdown” with the following verses in between, the author packs in surprise elements.

The pain is all-consuming,
It's like a raging fire,
Burning deep within me,
And I can't help but admire.

~An excerpt from the poem "Emotional Breakdown"

Amidst descriptions of overwhelming pain akin to a raging fire, the last line of the stanza comes as a surprise element that hints at an appreciation for the resilience found within vulnerability, adding depth to the emotional narrative. There are many such places that would make one pause and reflect and more so, relate to what the poet says.

However, there are a few areas that could benefit from improvement. The formatting of the poems, while not detrimental to the essence of the work, could have been more reader-friendly, especially for screen readers. Another aspect that could be addressed is the repetition of certain phrases throughout the collection. Some of these repetitions may have been reworked to avoid redundancy and enhance the overall impact of the poems. A more thorough editing process would have resolved this issue.

Additionally, the last stanzas of the poems felt a bit forced and heavy-handed in delivering a moral message, more like prose. While it’s important to convey meaning in poetry, not every poem needs a clear moral. Leaving some poems open-ended can engage the reader’s imagination and sense of wonder.

But that said there are definitely pages and verses that are to stay with me forever. Here are a few from the collection:

The stars twinkle and shine so bright,
A galaxy of diamonds in flight.
Each one a world so far away,
Yet close enough for us to play

~An excerpt from the poem "Starry Night(as seen by a kid)
The night sky, a place to dream,
A space that's not quite what it seems.
It brings a sense of awe and grace,
And sets the mind and heart to race.

~An excerpt from the poem "Starry Night(as seen by an adolescent)

Suggested Read: Happy Endings- Book Review

Self-love is a precious gew,
A treasure that we must all find within.
It's a journey of discovery,
To embrace our flaws and feel free.

~An excerpt from the poem "Self Love"

Reflection is a mirror that we hold,
A chance to see ourselves so bold,
And in the light of our own gaze,
We find the strength to change our ways.

~An excerpt from the poem "Reflection"

Wrap up words

In conclusion, “Whispered Melodies: A Journey Through Verses” offers a fresh perspective on elements of nature, human emotions and the mystic bond between us and the cosmos through its verses of rhyme and rhythm. As such, I recommend this collection to younger readers, such as middle graders and college students (thanks to the clean language in the poems) and also those who are just starting to explore poetry and appreciate true rhyme. As for seasoned poetry readers, accustomed to contemporary poetry that delves into free verse, this rhyming style might come as a refreshing change. If you are someone who is into reflective poetry and appreciates the beauty of rhyme, then this book is for you.

Buy here

“This review is powered by Blogchatter’s Book Review Program

இறுதி ஊர்வலம்-தமிழ் கவிதை

இறுதி ஊர்வலம்

மத்திய உணவுக்கான நேரம்
எதிர்பாராத அளவில் கூட்டம்
வாசலில்- ஒரு சவம்
அதை தூக்கிச் சுமந்தபடி
பல கைகள் 

பட்டு வண்ண பட்டாம்பூச்சியை
பல கட்டெறும்புகள்! 

உன் இறுதி ஊர்வலத்தில்
உன்னைச் சுமக்கப் போவது யார்?

மேலும் படித்து ரசிக்க:

From Screen Time Battles to Digital Harmony: Solution for Creating Safe Internet Environment for Tweens

From Screen Time Battles to Digital Harmony: Solution for Parenting Tweens in the Online Age
Designed by the Author using Canva

Safe Internet Environment for Tweens

In this digital era, providing a safe internet environment for tweens can be a stressful job for parents. Here’s a familiar scene unfolding in households across the world. Picture this: It’s an evening filled with back-to-back meetings and deadlines, and you engage in a passionate conversation with your tween about their internet usage at home. You’re concerned about their online safety, while they argue for more freedom and independence. It’s a classic clash of generations, where parents yearn to shield their children from the dangers lurking on the web, while tweens strive for autonomy and access to the vast online world.

In this blog post, I will take you through the intricacies of navigating this delicate balance, exploring essential tips and tools for ensuring a safe internet environment for your tweens. Welcome to the “Safe Internet for Kids” world, where the journey begins with understanding and communication.

Keeping the communication open

As the parent of an 11-year-old daughter, one of the fundamental and unwavering principles in my parenting journey has always been maintaining open lines of communication. The stark reality of today’s world, whether it’s in the online or offline realm, is that our children will inevitably encounter ever-evolving threats, and we can’t be by their side at all times. They, like we did growing up, are susceptible to making mistakes. However, as parents, well-wishers, and educators, our role is to remain accessible and offer guidance. We must keep those communication channels wide open so that our children feel comfortable turning to us whenever they encounter any challenges.

I vividly recall a recent incident. My daughter was engrossed in playing an online game that was not only age-appropriate but also approved by us. However, to our surprise, an adult-content advertisement suddenly appeared in the midst of her gameplay. Without hesitation, my daughter promptly brought it to our attention, sparking a flurry of curious questions from her. This unexpected event led to an impromptu, age-appropriate sex education session from our side. It was on that day that we truly grasped the importance of maintaining open lines of communication and engaging in candid discussions about typically taboo topics. We realized that by doing so, we create an environment where she feels at ease turning to us whenever she encounters uncertainty or potential threats.

Screen-time for tweens

Believe it or not, television isn’t a prominent feature in our household. Although we do possess a TV, its primary function revolves around serving as a second screen for our work-related tasks, devoid of any cable connection. It’s been almost six years since our family consciously opted to forgo regular TV consumption. This choice was motivated by our desire to limit our child’s exposure to screen time and nurture a genuine passion for reading. What makes this approach effective to this day is that it wasn’t merely imposed as a rule; it was a collective decision made as a family. We firmly believe that instilling good habits starts with us, as parents, setting the example.

Our Treasure Trove

Now, I understand if all of this might sound too idealistic to be true. To be completely honest, while we earnestly strive to uphold these habits, we too occasionally falter.

Suggested Read: The Intangible Benefits of Reading Books – Anecdotes from 10-years of our reading journey

The Surge in Screen Time During the Covid Pandemic

Just as we were patting ourselves on the back for successfully nurturing our child into a young book enthusiast, the Covid pandemic blindsided us. Shifting to online learning became a necessity, leading to a surge in mobile usage for communication with friends, studying, and discreetly exploring online games. It was an unforeseen baggage that accompanied these challenging times.

It was during this time that we found the need to strike a balance between online and offline activities. Here are several steps we took to create a secure internet environment for our child:

1. Embrace Offline Activities

Our foremost objective was to reduce screen time significantly. To achieve this, we encouraged reading books, engaging in arts and crafts (which helps clear mental clutter), playing board games, and gardening. As parents, we actively participated in these activities.

2. Stay Informed

It’s crucial for parents and educators to stay informed about the latest online trends and popular apps among kids. This knowledge helps us stay ahead and understand potential risks.

3. Choose Big Screens

We acknowledged that completely isolating our child from the online world was impractical. Instead, we encouraged her to use a laptop placed in the living room under our supervision, rather than a mobile device in isolation.

4. Co-Browsing

When our daughter began exploring the internet for both studies and play, we adopted co-browsing. We sat with her, guided her through websites and content, and helped her identify age-appropriate material.

However, as she entered her tween years, co-browsing became less appealing. We had to explore other options.

5. Teach Online Internet Safety to tweens

Open communication remained our ally. We educated her about the importance of not sharing personal information, avoiding contact with strangers, and recognizing online threats. We also made sure she felt comfortable sharing any encounters with adult content.

6. Set Clear Rules

We established specific time limits and website access rules, with strict restrictions on social media usage. Again, consistently reinforcing these limits to a tween was challenging, but we found a solution.

7. Discover Happinetz

As a recent addition to our digital safety toolkit, we introduced Happinetz, a Wi-Fi router that monitors digital usage and content on connected devices. It’s linked to our regular modem, and we’ve connected our mobiles and laptops to it.

The standout feature of Happinetz is its ability to create age-appropriate content zones, including kids mode, teen mode, and adult mode. It also allows us to set time limits for internet usage and get insights into the browsing history. With Happinetz taking care of most monitoring and guidance based on our pre-defined limits, we’ve eliminated the constant need to remind our tween, making parenting a lot smoother.

After nearly two weeks of using Happinetz, we’re pleased with its effectiveness in providing a safe internet environment for our child. I’ll share a detailed review of Happinetz after a month of usage. If you’re interested in learning more about this product, you can find additional information here.

If you’re considering purchasing Happinetz to ensure a safe internet environment for your tween, feel free to use this link or the coupon code – ‘SEETS01’ for a discount. I assure you, it’s a worthwhile investment in your child’s online safety.

Wrap up words

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the journey to create a safe internet environment for tweens is an ongoing process. It requires adaptability, vigilance, and, most importantly, a commitment to open communication. As parents, we must continue to explore and utilize tools like Happinetz to strike that delicate balance between freedom and safety in our children’s online world. While challenges may arise, it’s our shared responsibility to empower the next generation with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the digital realm securely.

Remember, as technology advances, so too must our parenting strategies. With dedication and the right resources, we can pave the way for our children to thrive in the digital age while ensuring their online experiences remain safe, educational, and enriching. Here’s to fostering a generation of digital citizens who are well-equipped to embrace the opportunities and challenges of the modern world.

Suggested Reads



This post is a part of Happinetz – Safe Internet For Kids .

Creative Uses of Acrostic Poetry: Personal Descriptions, Celebrations, Invitations, and Branding

Designed by the Author using Canva

In the last post, we saw about Acrostic poetry, its crafting and variations. In this post, we shall see the Creative Uses of Acrostic Poetry. It can be a powerful tool for various purposes, including describing a person, crafting invitations, celebrating occasions or branding a company.

I have personally employed Acrostic poetry on numerous occasions, and I must emphasize that one of the most highly sought-after forms of poetry among my clients, especially for gifting, is Acrostic Poetry. Here are some creative uses of Acrostic Poetry:

Describing a Person

Acrostic poems can be a heartfelt and personalized way to describe someone you admire or appreciate, such as a friend, family member, or significant other. Each letter of the person’s name can serve as a starting point for positive qualities, memories, or characteristics that define them.

For example, if you’re describing a friend named “SARA”:

Sincere and caring, always there to lend a hand,
A radiant smile that brightens up the land,
Reliable and loyal, a rock on which to stand,
A heart of gold, as vast as the ocean's sand.

These acrostic poems can be wonderful gifts or heartfelt gestures of appreciation.

A customised Acrostic Poetry video for “The Venkats” on their Birthday!


Acrostic poems can add a creative and memorable touch to invitations for special occasions, such as weddings, birthdays, or other celebrations. You can use the acrostic form to spell out the purpose or theme of the event and set the tone for what guests can expect.

For example this invitation for the First Birthday of a little master, “SUHANDHAN” :

Mr. & Mrs. Nagarajan request the pleasure of your company as they clebrate the mark of 365 days of 
                                                                                             Stunning smiles
                                                                                             Ultimate charms
                                                                                             Huggable moments
                                                                                             Amusing antics
                                                                                             Nappy changes
                                                                                             Delightful babbles
                                                                                             Hushed sleeps
                                                                                             Addictive cuddles &
                                                                                             Never ending naughtiness!

Acrostic Poetry Invite  - Suhandhan
Customised Poetry Invite ©Promising Poetry

Celebrating an Occasion

Acrostic poems can be employed to commemorate significant events and milestones, such as anniversaries, graduations, or retirements. They allow you to capture the essence of the occasion and express your sentiments creatively. Here’s a sample of my customised poetry gift for my client celebrating their parents’ Wedding Anniversary.

Customised Poetry ©Promising Poetry
Customised Poetry ©Promising Poetry

Company Branding

Acrostic poems can be a unique and memorable way to create a brand identity or slogan for a company. Businesses can use the acrostic form to highlight their core values, mission, or the essence of their products or services.

For instance, if a company specializes in eco-friendly products, they might use “GREEN” as their acrostic:

Growing a sustainable future,
Respecting nature in all we do,
Eco-friendly solutions, tried and true,
Environmentally conscious, through and through,
Nurturing a planet that's clean and new.

Such acrostic branding not only conveys a message but also creates a memorable and distinctive brand identity that customers can relate to.

In conclusion, acrostic poetry is a versatile and creative tool that can be applied in numerous ways beyond traditional verse. Whether you want to express appreciation for someone, add a unique touch to invitations, or create a memorable brand identity for a company, acrostic poems offer a dynamic and engaging means of communication that can leave a lasting impression on those who encounter them.

Below is the link to more such poetries that I have customised for my clients over the years. Have a look & if you are looking for customised poetry for gifting, feel free to reach me at

Click here to check out Samples of Customised Poetries for my Clients

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.

Acrostic Poetry: Crafting and Variations

Designed by the Author using Canva

Acrostic poetry, though sounds complex, is an easy, delightful and creative way to play with words. In this blog post, let us explore the enchanting world of acrostic poetry, its crafting and variations.

What is an Acrostic Poem?

An acrostic poem is a form of poetry in which the initial letters of each line or stanza spell out a word, name, or message when read vertically. Essentially, it’s a hidden message or theme encoded within the poem itself. Acrostic poems can be short and sweet or lengthy and complex, depending on the message you wish to convey.

Crafting an Acrostic Poem

Now that you have been introduced to the enchanting world of acrostic poetry, let’s take a closer look at how to craft your own acrostic poem:

Choose Your Subject

Start by selecting the word or message you want to convey in your acrostic poem. This word will determine the structure and theme of your poem.


Jot down words, phrases, and ideas related to your chosen subject. These will serve as the content for your poem.

Structure Your Poem

Decide on the structure of your acrostic poem. Will it be a single word spelt vertically, or will it be a longer message hidden within the lines of the poem? Choose a format that suits your creative vision.

Write Your Poem

Begin composing your poem, ensuring that the first letter of each line or stanza corresponds to the letters of your chosen word or message. Be creative with your language and imagery to convey your theme effectively.

Revise and Refine

Like any form of poetry, acrostic poems benefit from revision. Read your poem aloud, check for clarity and coherence, and make any necessary revisions to improve the flow and impact of your message.

Share Your Creation

Once you are satisfied with your acrostic poem, share it with friends, family, or the world. You can publish it in print or online, or gift it or simply keep it as a personal reflection of your creativity.

Variations of Acrostic Poems

Single Word Acrostic

In its simplest form, an acrostic poem consists of a single word or a name. Each letter of the chosen word begins a new line or stanza, and the lines may or may not relate to the word itself. This type of acrostic is concise and can be a fun way to create a puzzle or express a sentiment using the letters of a word. For example, if you choose the word “LOVE,” your acrostic poem may go like this:


Sentence Acrostic

A slightly more complex variation involves creating a sentence for each letter in the chosen word or message. Each sentence can describe or expand upon the word itself. Here’s an example of a recent acrostic poem I crafted to convey my happiness and pride as an Indian citizen on the successful soft landing of India’s Chandrayaan mission.

Designed by the Author using Canva ©Promising Poetry

Acrostic Poem celebrating the success of India’s Chandrayaan Mission

Carrying the hopes of a billion hearts,
Heralding light years of success,
Aim set high, a nation's dream comes true
Nurturing aspirations, stories untold
Daring to touch the lunar skies
Reaching beyond, where eagles rise.
Another milestone in Indian history
Yearning for glory, a celestial quest-
A testament to India's very best,
A noble endeavour, every Indian's pride-
Now seeds its success in the lunar soil!

Theme-Based Acrostic

You can use acrostic poetry to explore a specific theme or concept. In this variation, each line or stanza represents a different aspect of the theme, with the initial letters forming the theme word. For instance, if you’re writing about “NATURE,” each line could delve into various elements of the natural world:

Nurturing forests, where tall trees sway,
A symphony of birds welcomes the day,
The river's gentle flow, finding its way,
Under the vast sky, in meadows we play,
Reveling in the beauty, come what may,
Every moment with nature, a gift to convey.

Message or Storytelling Acrostic

Acrostic poems can also be used to tell a story or convey a message. In this variation, the initial letters of the lines or stanzas combine to form a hidden narrative or a clear message. This approach allows for a more extended exploration of a topic or story. Here's an example using the word "DREAM":

Dancing through the moonlit night,
Reaching for stars with all my might,
Every wish taking its flight,
A journey into the boundless height,
My hopes and visions ignite.

These various approaches to acrostic poetry offer creative flexibility and allow you to adapt the form to suit your artistic vision and the message you want to convey. Whether you opt for a single word, sentences, theme-based exploration, or storytelling, acrostic poems offer an engaging and unique way to play with language and capture your thoughts and emotions. Hope you now have a better idea of crafting acrostic poems and their variations. So, don’t hesitate to experiment and let your creativity flow as you explore the fascinating world of acrostic poetry.

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.


Book Review: Kolam Kanna
Book Review: Kolam Kanna

Book details

Title: Kolam Kanna

Author: Vibha Batra

Illustrator: Jemma Jose

Genre: Fiction/Children’s book

Type: Paperback

Page Count: 124

Price: ₹250


The exciting Kolam Kondattam Kontest is right around the corner. And Bharathi can’t wait to participate and show off, er, showcase his creative skills. Encouraged by his friends, Tabassum and Alagu, he registers for the contest (with a ‘k’).

Alas, the Residents’ Welfare Association, led by the fearsome Mrs Subramaniam, won’t hear of it. The contest is open only to the residents of Pravin’s Paradiso Apartments. And while Bharathi hangs out at the apartments all the time, he’s not exactly-technically-actually a resident.

Now it’s up to Bharathi to hatch an ingenious plan. Will he be able to get around the rules, get past the building bullies and get a shot at his dream?

Book Review

Once again, Vibha Batra defies gender stereotypes through her writing in the delightful book “Kolam Kanna,” crafted for middle graders. With her signature style, she presents a fun-filled and effortlessly readable narrative that challenges conventions.

The story begins by immediately seizing your attention with a thought-provoking question: “How do you catch a tiger?” What ensues is an even more captivating and mysterious response. With this intriguing beginning, the author introduces us to Bharathi, a middle-grade boy from a modest family, whose extraordinary talent for crafting kolams infuses life into what he captures in it. While Tabassum and Alagu, his close friends, readily recognize and support his exceptional talent for creating kolams, much like his mother does, many others in his vicinity find it peculiar and cling to their stereotypical biases.

Furthermore, as excitement builds for the Kolam Contest announced within Pravin’s Paradiso Apartments, where Bharathi’s mother is employed and his friends Tabassum and Alagu reside, Bharathi is brimming with hope and dreams. However, his enthusiasm is short-lived as he discovers that the competition is exclusively for the apartment’s residents. The rest of the story unfolds to answer whether Bharathi can overcome this obstacle and fulfil his dream by participating in the contest.

What my 11-year-old and I found particularly delightful was the robust camaraderie between Bharathi and his friends, coupled with their individual quirks. Their humorous pranks added an extra layer of amusement, enhanced by the author’s engaging writing style.

My daughter thoroughly enjoyed the tiny kolams adorning each chapter title and eagerly engaged in trying to replicate them. Additionally, she found great delight in the incorporation of Tamil words and phrases within the story.

Wrap up words

The cover illustration by Jemma Jose is captivating, and the black-and-white illustrations within the book add a touch of humour while enhancing the storyline. I wholeheartedly recommend this engaging tale, written in simple language, to middle graders, especially those who are transitioning from picture books to chapter books.

Buy here

“This review is powered by Blogchatter’s Book Review Program

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.

8 Confessions Revealing My Bookish Secrets

Let’s dive into some of my most personal bookish confessions. These revelations will give you a sneak peek into my one-of-a-kind connection with the world of books. So, grab a comfy seat, and let’s explore the quirks and peculiarities that make my reading journey a bit different. While I may not have followed the crowd when it came to classic novels or popular series, my unique experiences and idiosyncrasies in the world of literature have shaped my own delightful adventure.

Skipping the Classics

I must admit that I have never read the famous fiction books that many of my peers grew up with, such as The Famous Five, Nancy Drew, or The Secret Seven. My literary journey took a different path, and I’ve never quite stepped into their well-trodden pages.

Not a Potterhead (yet!)

I am not a Potterhead either. While the world was enchanted by the magical adventures of Harry Potter, I found myself drawn to different stories and worlds. Sometimes, being outside the mainstream can feel like a world of its own.

The Picture Book Predicament

On occasions, I’ve found myself purchasing picture books not for my daughter or as gifts for children but for my own personal enjoyment. There’s something enchanting about the illustrations and simplicity of these books that speaks to my inner child.

The Wordy Poetry Hack

When I encounter writer’s block while crafting personalized poetry gifts for clients, I turn to a peculiar trick. I select a book from my shelf, open it randomly, and choose a word from the first line. This word becomes the catalyst for my creative process. Sometimes it leads to poetry; sometimes it doesn’t. Regardless, it helps me overcome the block.

The Mix-and-Match Reader

Unlike many readers who prefer to immerse themselves in one book at a time, I find myself constantly switching between different genres and stories. It’s as if I can’t resist the allure of multiple literary worlds simultaneously.

A part of our collection!

The Eclectic Taste

While my daughter’s book collection is often in high demand among her friends, mine doesn’t enjoy the same popularity. It appears my taste in literature, which encompasses non-fiction, poetry, spirituality, and even mathematics (an unusual combination, I admit), is somewhat unique.

Emotional Resonance Over Names

More often than not, I find myself forgetting the names of characters or places in the plot. However, what I remember with remarkable clarity is how the book evoked specific emotions during my reading journey and the circumstances surrounding my immersion in its pages.

The Mysterious Connection

To add a final layer of intrigue, my bookshelf harbours books I haven’t completed and others I haven’t even started. Yet, books have a way of communicating with readers in mysterious ways. Some books remain dormant on my shelf for years, only to be rediscovered when the timing is just right, making them feel entirely new and inviting me to finish what I once started.

So, there it is- my bookish confessions. In sharing these personal revelations, I hope to show that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to reading. We all have our idiosyncrasies when it comes to books, and that’s what makes the world of literature so rich and diverse. Embrace your unique reading style, and you may find that books have their own way of speaking to you, too.


This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.