Children’s Books

Book reviews and recommendations of children’s books savoured by Miss. M and her Mom (that’s me!).


Book Review: Kolam Kanna
Book Review: Kolam Kanna

Book details

Title: Kolam Kanna

Author: Vibha Batra

Illustrator: Jemma Jose

Genre: Fiction/Children’s book

Type: Paperback

Page Count: 124

Price: ₹250


The exciting Kolam Kondattam Kontest is right around the corner. And Bharathi can’t wait to participate and show off, er, showcase his creative skills. Encouraged by his friends, Tabassum and Alagu, he registers for the contest (with a ‘k’).

Alas, the Residents’ Welfare Association, led by the fearsome Mrs Subramaniam, won’t hear of it. The contest is open only to the residents of Pravin’s Paradiso Apartments. And while Bharathi hangs out at the apartments all the time, he’s not exactly-technically-actually a resident.

Now it’s up to Bharathi to hatch an ingenious plan. Will he be able to get around the rules, get past the building bullies and get a shot at his dream?

Book Review

Once again, Vibha Batra defies gender stereotypes through her writing in the delightful book “Kolam Kanna,” crafted for middle graders. With her signature style, she presents a fun-filled and effortlessly readable narrative that challenges conventions.

The story begins by immediately seizing your attention with a thought-provoking question: “How do you catch a tiger?” What ensues is an even more captivating and mysterious response. With this intriguing beginning, the author introduces us to Bharathi, a middle-grade boy from a modest family, whose extraordinary talent for crafting kolams infuses life into what he captures in it. While Tabassum and Alagu, his close friends, readily recognize and support his exceptional talent for creating kolams, much like his mother does, many others in his vicinity find it peculiar and cling to their stereotypical biases.

Furthermore, as excitement builds for the Kolam Contest announced within Pravin’s Paradiso Apartments, where Bharathi’s mother is employed and his friends Tabassum and Alagu reside, Bharathi is brimming with hope and dreams. However, his enthusiasm is short-lived as he discovers that the competition is exclusively for the apartment’s residents. The rest of the story unfolds to answer whether Bharathi can overcome this obstacle and fulfil his dream by participating in the contest.

What my 11-year-old and I found particularly delightful was the robust camaraderie between Bharathi and his friends, coupled with their individual quirks. Their humorous pranks added an extra layer of amusement, enhanced by the author’s engaging writing style.

My daughter thoroughly enjoyed the tiny kolams adorning each chapter title and eagerly engaged in trying to replicate them. Additionally, she found great delight in the incorporation of Tamil words and phrases within the story.

Wrap up words

The cover illustration by Jemma Jose is captivating, and the black-and-white illustrations within the book add a touch of humour while enhancing the storyline. I wholeheartedly recommend this engaging tale, written in simple language, to middle graders, especially those who are transitioning from picture books to chapter books.

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“This review is powered by Blogchatter’s Book Review Program

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon.

Sleepytime Tales with Coco Comma- Book Review

Sleepytime Tales with Coco Comma-Book Review

Book details

Title: Sleepytime Tales with Coco Comma

Author: Sonia Mehta

Illustrator: Sunayana Nair

Cover Design: Quadrum

Genre: Fiction

Recommended Age: 5+

Type: Paperback

Page Count: 78

Price: ₹250


Coco Comma is an English language ace. She keeps interrupting and correcting the townsfolk’s English, annoying everyone. With her nose buried deep in a book, she often walks into objects and bangs into people and furniture. Along with her best friend Sunny, Coco creates ridiculous rhymes, alliterates impossible sentences, uses hilarious idioms, and even encounters a magical alphabet tree!

Book Review

We received this book as part of the Blogchatter’s Book Review Program and my 10-year-old just dived into the book and finished it in a matter of minutes. Here’s what my 10-year-old had to say about the book:

This delightful book follows the adventures of a young girl named Coco Comma, who shares my love for reading! While I am a fast reader, Coco is more interested in speaking proper English and correcting those who don’t. She’s confident in her abilities and considers herself the town’s English expert. However, her love for books sometimes causes her to bump into things and people.

This book is comprised of four engaging stories that explore the use of rhyming words, alliterations, and idioms. Each story presents these language tools in an entertaining and accessible way, making it easy for readers to learn and understand them.

The stories in this book take place in a charming town filled with unique characters such as the comical twins Tilly and Trixie, the quirky Mr Tuktuk, and the funny Mrs Tippytoe. The names of these characters are just as amusing as their personalities, making the book a joy to read.

Coco’s loyal best friend, Sunny, stands out in the book as he is always there to support Coco. My favourite part of the book is when Coco and Sunny catch a rhyming bug, and they spread the fun and excitement to everyone they meet.  It’s a fun and engaging read that I’m sure many young readers will enjoy.

The book’s illustrations, done by Sunayana Nair, are vivid, colourful, and comical, bringing the characters and town to life. The expressive illustrations perfectly capture the unique personalities of each character, and I especially loved the cleverly crafted facial expressions. Overall, the illustrations added an extra layer of enjoyment to an already delightful book.

In my opinion, this book is very relatable, especially for bookworms like myself. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good story and wants to learn more about the importance of proper language usage, rhyming words, alliterations and idioms with a dose of fun.

Here are a few points from my side:

  • This book brilliantly blends bewitching tales and beneficial knowledge, making it a beguiling read for budding brains.
  • The stories tenderly touch upon timeless truths without being tiresome or trite.
  • The author’s clever wordplay captivates children and doesn’t miss a beat.
  • The colourful illustrations are a cornucopia of creativity for curious kids.
  • The typesetting is top-notch and tailored to tiny tots taking their first steps in reading.

Did you notice what just happened? The book’s essence has rubbed off on my writing as well!

Wrap up words

Overall, this book strikes the perfect balance between entertainment and education. It would make a great addition to any language teacher’s suggested reading list, particularly for introducing children to idioms, alliteration, and rhyming words.

If there’s one suggestion I could make, it would be to lower the price of this 78-page illustrated chapter book, or offer it at a discounted rate for libraries and schools, so that more children can access this wonderful book.

Buy here

“This review is powered by Blogchatter’s Book Review Program

A Must-read Book With Actionable Points on Sustainability

Our Environment-Threats, Challenges And Sustainable Solutions

Image that reads Book on sustainable solutions for young minds: Our Environment-Threats, Challenges& Sustainable Solutions
Designed by the author on Canva

“Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It’s about doing more good.”

~Jochen Zeitz

When it comes to books on sustainability, especially for young minds, it must give a big picture and the actions needed at smaller levels. This book, Our Environment from Scholastic Publication does exactly that, which makes it a must-read.

Covering topics on environment, energy, environmental challenges and environmental responsibility, this makes for a wholesome read.

The book starts by answering the big question, what is the environment. It captures the pre-industrialisation, post-industrialisation and current situation, rightly and navigates us through different kinds of ecosystems and their functions. It talks about the biodiversity of India in specific and the threats to it.

A must read for children

The topic then moves on to different kinds of energy resources and how can we be more efficient in energy consumption and saving. The explanations start with examples that kids can relate to in their everyday life and then gradually scales up to help them understand the big picture.

There’s a wide range of topics covered, say from composting at home to the management of industrial waste, everything small and big that impacts or affects the environment is explained comprehensively. The language is lucid. It is not preachy but convincing.

Most importantly, there are small actionable points across the pages that can make a kid feel capable and take action in saving the earth in their own small, yet vital ways.

There are exercises that would make kids think about and take environmental issues seriously.

The best part of the book is that it ends by giving a brief outlook on the variety of “green careers” one can opt for and how to go about pursuing them.

To help the kids get inspired in choosing a green career, the book also goes on to tell about “planet pioneers” and their contributions.

To top it all, it ends on the topic of “Start A Campaign For Change” and there can’t be a much well-rounded, action-oriented book on sustainable solutions than this.

A highly recommended book for schools and homes as well, for everyone young & old.

To get a copy of the book, click here: Our Environment by Scholastic

Suggested Read:

“This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter.”

‘I’m participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter’.

Books on Sustainability for Young Minds

Zayn & Zoey- Environment Series

Designed by the Author using Canva

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.

~Robert Swann

Perfect for kids of 5 years and above, the Zayn & Zoey- Environment Series is a perfect conversation starter for topics on Environment and Sustainability.

We got this book recommendation from fellow parents through the Fb community, Kids Book Cafe, which is an active community in raising readers. Check their website here, for age-appropriate recommendations. 

This series has three books: Reduce-Reuse-Recycle, Rainwater Harvesting and Learn About Solar Power and I would suggest that you start introducing the books to kids in the same order as I have put out here for better comprehension. 

The books are written in simple language and colourfully illustrated on gloss finish pages which is sure to hook young readers. 

Picture of Zayn & Zoey-Environment Series Books
Zayn & Zoey-Environment Series Books

Zayn & Zoey-Reduce-Reuse-Recycle

As the title suggests this explains the 3Rs; reduce, reuse and recycle; in a way that could easily get a kid thinking and come up with their own idea. 

It explains how waste can affect the environment and how one can practise the 3 rs in daily life, like utilising the backside of old worksheets for rough work, having toy donation drive at schools, wrapping gifts with newspaper, etc. 

This particular book is my daughter’s favourite as she was able to practically try the ideas out instantly. 

The Zayn & Zoey: Environment Series comes highly recommended for school libraries as this makes up for a great conversation starter and relevant read around Environmental issues and can help kids take action as a group or community. 

Rainwater Harvesting with Zayn & Zoey

With beautifully illustrated pictures this book shows kids how rainwater harvesting is done by taking the kids on a tour of Zayn & Zoey’s Grandma Grey’s farm. 

I loved the questions of Zayn and Zoey that were part of the narrative. They were typical of kids that exhibited curiosity and wonder elements. 

Teeny Weeny Tip: Next time when it rains, get your kid involved in placing a bucket closed with a thin cotton cloth as a filter, in an open area where you can harvest the rainwater. I am sure they will be amused at how this little act could save a considerable amount of water. 

Zayn & Zoey- Learn About Solar Power

Addressing the curiosity of kids about how the sun can give us electricity, this book is written engagingly informative. Language is lucid and helps in better comprehension of a complex process in simpler words.

This book talks about solar panels and the various benefits and applications of solar power. 

There are interesting fun facts throughout the book that feeds hungry minds. 

Pro Tip: For some practical ways to utilise solar energy at a small scale that can involve kids, try these:

  1. Ask them to sun dry their hair after a head bath instead of opting for a hairdryer. 
  2. Explain to them the benefits of sun-drying washed clothes instead of running an additional cycle of hot spin.
  3. Involve your kids in sun-drying mangoes or tomatoes and help them how solar power can be used to our benefit in easier ways. 

Wrap up words

I highly recommend this book as conversations on environmental issues, energy, conservation and sustainability are the need of the hour, especially for the younger generation to make conscious choices. 

Here are some of our little wins:

Some of the little ways that my 10-year-old understands and makes efforts independently for sustainable solutions. (Proud momma here!)

When it comes to sustainability, inclusivity is mandatory, which means involving kids too in having talks on sustainability and helping them take independent steps, how much ever small they may be.

Every small step towards sustainability matters and let’s help young minds make conscious choices.

For now, I leave you with this quote to ruminate upon:

“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper, That we may record our emptiness.”

~Khalil Gibran

“This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter.”

Pinkoo Shergill Pastry Chef- Book Review

Image of the book cover along with key highlights of the book. Image designed by self on Canva.
Pinkoo Shergill, a quick look. Image Source: Designed by self on Canva

Pinkoo Shergill is here to take you on a fantabulously yummilicious ride, treating you with his delicacies filled with ingredients of humour, love and friendship.

Pinkoo, the 10-year-old boy breathes, dreams and lives for baking while his Papaji is conditioned to believe the kitchen is not for boys to step in. How Pinkoo overcomes all the hurdles to enter the Great Junior Bake-a-Thon with an unexpected surprise waiting at the end is what the story is about.

Even while the story rides on the wheels of humour, it is certainly anchored in sensibility slamming stereotypes then and there. To do so without sounding preachy, to be able to talk in the language of children is the biggest plus of the book.

The characters are well defined and much relatable. The blabbermouth cousin Tutu, the supportive friend Manu, the annoying-girl-turned-friendly Nimrat are all very much liked by my daughter as she could relate to one of each from her own friends’ circle.

My daughter, Miss M was fascinated about the joint family set-up and the Punjabi way of addressing the relatives. Also, the generous use of onomatopoeias (like buuuzzz, pinggg, whooosh) and telescopic words (like giganterous, coolsome, irritatinnoying) caught her fancy at once and now she has her own list of such words.

Drawing of unicorn cupcakes by my daughter
Drawing of unicorn cupcakes by my daughter
Drawing of unicorn cupcakes by my daughter

What you see above is some Pinkoo Shergill inspired cakes and cupcakes drawn by my daughter. Also yes, she is a big-time unicorn fan!

My personal favourite happens to be the conversations between Pinkoo’s and Tutu’s eyes.

Yeah right, conversation between eyes! They have a dialogue going. I told you, this book is hilarious.

A word of caution: The book takes you through a ride of yummilicious cake preparations, all so drool-worthy and is best enjoyed with at least a cupcake or gulabjamun by your side.

The author, Vibha Batra, has kept the language simple making it for a quick fun-filled read. She has also filled in the story with a plethora of action words and fancy adjectives that is certain to catch the fancy of young readers. It can also come in handy for teachers too to introduce the same in a fun way through the story.

The only minus I see in the book is the overuse of capitalizations which felt sore to my adult eyes though I’m not sure if I can call it a minus as my daughter found it just fine.

The cover page by the illustrator Shamika Chaves is vibrant and beautiful. The exaggerated expressions in the sketches inside adds to the humour.

Additionally, the quirky doodles in the first and last pages can actually turn up as a colouring activity for kids (idea courtesy, Miss.M).

Altogether, Pinkoo Shergill makes for a quick fun read with ingredients of humour, love and friendship added in the right proportions making the story a relishing experience. The large typesetting makes it easier for beginners or for those who are just transitioning from picture books to chapbooks.

P.S. Don’t miss out on the creativity of the author come out even in the acknowledgements at the end.

You can buy a copy of the book here.

Book Title: Pinkoo Shergill Pastry Chef

Author: Vibha Batra

Illustrator: Shamika Chaves

Publisher: Scholastic India

Type: Paperback

Age Group: 7+

This review is powered by BlogChatter Book Review Program