A poem on how to be the voice of others by dissolving yourself
Note: This poem was first published here: <link rel=“canonical” href=“https://medium.com/gentleness-ambassadors/how-to-dissolve-yourself-as-a-poet-50c017d30bfc” />

How to dissolve yourself as a poet
Do not think. Do not write. Not even attempt. Just be unarmed. Your naked self-open to stories and scars alike but remember not to use them as protective clothing. Stay naked. Your vulnerability is the fabric. ~ Breathe through the fabric. It’s hard. Yet doable. Breathe. Even as you be and breathe- jump, sway, dance cry, punch, or itch as the scar or story may want you to. Blend with the story. Bleed with the scar. Be. ~ Let it all soak up through the fabric. Your vulnerability. Let it suck it up till saturated. Stretch it not. Shrink it not. Carefully lift the fabric. Spread it away from your naked self. ~ The scars that you allowed to seep into your skin can wait. Attend to the fabric first. Remember you are a poet. That fabric- your canvas and composition. ~ Now like the lover’s caressing let your soul gently tend to the fabric. Lift it up letting light find its way highlighting parts of it naturally. In the clothesline of creative force pin it carefully with pegs of purpose so life breathes through its pores. Let it be. Let it dry. Let it dance. Let it drench. Let it delve. Let it dry. Let it be. ~ Remember you are a poet. That fabric- your canvas and composition It’s not you. Gently move away. It’s now for the world to witness. You may now tend to the scars or stories that you let seep through your skin. You can be you.