
From Screen Time Battles to Digital Harmony: Solution for Creating Safe Internet Environment for Tweens

From Screen Time Battles to Digital Harmony: Solution for Parenting Tweens in the Online Age
Designed by the Author using Canva

Safe Internet Environment for Tweens

In this digital era, providing a safe internet environment for tweens can be a stressful job for parents. Here’s a familiar scene unfolding in households across the world. Picture this: It’s an evening filled with back-to-back meetings and deadlines, and you engage in a passionate conversation with your tween about their internet usage at home. You’re concerned about their online safety, while they argue for more freedom and independence. It’s a classic clash of generations, where parents yearn to shield their children from the dangers lurking on the web, while tweens strive for autonomy and access to the vast online world.

In this blog post, I will take you through the intricacies of navigating this delicate balance, exploring essential tips and tools for ensuring a safe internet environment for your tweens. Welcome to the “Safe Internet for Kids” world, where the journey begins with understanding and communication.

Keeping the communication open

As the parent of an 11-year-old daughter, one of the fundamental and unwavering principles in my parenting journey has always been maintaining open lines of communication. The stark reality of today’s world, whether it’s in the online or offline realm, is that our children will inevitably encounter ever-evolving threats, and we can’t be by their side at all times. They, like we did growing up, are susceptible to making mistakes. However, as parents, well-wishers, and educators, our role is to remain accessible and offer guidance. We must keep those communication channels wide open so that our children feel comfortable turning to us whenever they encounter any challenges.

I vividly recall a recent incident. My daughter was engrossed in playing an online game that was not only age-appropriate but also approved by us. However, to our surprise, an adult-content advertisement suddenly appeared in the midst of her gameplay. Without hesitation, my daughter promptly brought it to our attention, sparking a flurry of curious questions from her. This unexpected event led to an impromptu, age-appropriate sex education session from our side. It was on that day that we truly grasped the importance of maintaining open lines of communication and engaging in candid discussions about typically taboo topics. We realized that by doing so, we create an environment where she feels at ease turning to us whenever she encounters uncertainty or potential threats.

Screen-time for tweens

Believe it or not, television isn’t a prominent feature in our household. Although we do possess a TV, its primary function revolves around serving as a second screen for our work-related tasks, devoid of any cable connection. It’s been almost six years since our family consciously opted to forgo regular TV consumption. This choice was motivated by our desire to limit our child’s exposure to screen time and nurture a genuine passion for reading. What makes this approach effective to this day is that it wasn’t merely imposed as a rule; it was a collective decision made as a family. We firmly believe that instilling good habits starts with us, as parents, setting the example.

Our Treasure Trove

Now, I understand if all of this might sound too idealistic to be true. To be completely honest, while we earnestly strive to uphold these habits, we too occasionally falter.

Suggested Read: The Intangible Benefits of Reading Books – Anecdotes from 10-years of our reading journey

The Surge in Screen Time During the Covid Pandemic

Just as we were patting ourselves on the back for successfully nurturing our child into a young book enthusiast, the Covid pandemic blindsided us. Shifting to online learning became a necessity, leading to a surge in mobile usage for communication with friends, studying, and discreetly exploring online games. It was an unforeseen baggage that accompanied these challenging times.

It was during this time that we found the need to strike a balance between online and offline activities. Here are several steps we took to create a secure internet environment for our child:

1. Embrace Offline Activities

Our foremost objective was to reduce screen time significantly. To achieve this, we encouraged reading books, engaging in arts and crafts (which helps clear mental clutter), playing board games, and gardening. As parents, we actively participated in these activities.

2. Stay Informed

It’s crucial for parents and educators to stay informed about the latest online trends and popular apps among kids. This knowledge helps us stay ahead and understand potential risks.

3. Choose Big Screens

We acknowledged that completely isolating our child from the online world was impractical. Instead, we encouraged her to use a laptop placed in the living room under our supervision, rather than a mobile device in isolation.

4. Co-Browsing

When our daughter began exploring the internet for both studies and play, we adopted co-browsing. We sat with her, guided her through websites and content, and helped her identify age-appropriate material.

However, as she entered her tween years, co-browsing became less appealing. We had to explore other options.

5. Teach Online Internet Safety to tweens

Open communication remained our ally. We educated her about the importance of not sharing personal information, avoiding contact with strangers, and recognizing online threats. We also made sure she felt comfortable sharing any encounters with adult content.

6. Set Clear Rules

We established specific time limits and website access rules, with strict restrictions on social media usage. Again, consistently reinforcing these limits to a tween was challenging, but we found a solution.

7. Discover Happinetz

As a recent addition to our digital safety toolkit, we introduced Happinetz, a Wi-Fi router that monitors digital usage and content on connected devices. It’s linked to our regular modem, and we’ve connected our mobiles and laptops to it.

The standout feature of Happinetz is its ability to create age-appropriate content zones, including kids mode, teen mode, and adult mode. It also allows us to set time limits for internet usage and get insights into the browsing history. With Happinetz taking care of most monitoring and guidance based on our pre-defined limits, we’ve eliminated the constant need to remind our tween, making parenting a lot smoother.

After nearly two weeks of using Happinetz, we’re pleased with its effectiveness in providing a safe internet environment for our child. I’ll share a detailed review of Happinetz after a month of usage. If you’re interested in learning more about this product, you can find additional information here.

If you’re considering purchasing Happinetz to ensure a safe internet environment for your tween, feel free to use this link or the coupon code – ‘SEETS01’ for a discount. I assure you, it’s a worthwhile investment in your child’s online safety.

Wrap up words

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the journey to create a safe internet environment for tweens is an ongoing process. It requires adaptability, vigilance, and, most importantly, a commitment to open communication. As parents, we must continue to explore and utilize tools like Happinetz to strike that delicate balance between freedom and safety in our children’s online world. While challenges may arise, it’s our shared responsibility to empower the next generation with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the digital realm securely.

Remember, as technology advances, so too must our parenting strategies. With dedication and the right resources, we can pave the way for our children to thrive in the digital age while ensuring their online experiences remain safe, educational, and enriching. Here’s to fostering a generation of digital citizens who are well-equipped to embrace the opportunities and challenges of the modern world.

Suggested Reads



This post is a part of Happinetz – Safe Internet For Kids .

5 Sustainable Practices From My Grandma’s Life

Life Lessons To Be Learnt & Practised

Image that reads, % sustainable practices from my grandma's life. Life lessons to be learnt & practised. www.promisingpoetry.org 
Designed by the author on Canva

To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.

~Thomas Campbell

It’s just about a week since my paatti (maternal grandmother) passed away. I realised that I didn’t grieve much. I did feel sad and shed a few tears when I came to know about her death but I didn’t grieve much. 

For some strange reason, I felt at peace and content whenever I thought of paatti. It’s upon introspection that I realised that she had lived her life wholly, wrapped us up with an abundance of love and left us with fond memories that she feels close even now.

It feels that patti’s passing away can never take away her presence through spirit

and the life lessons she has left us with. 

Here is a small tribute to my paatti whose life was teaching, sustainability is just one aspect of it.

My adorable paatti.

Lessons of sustainability from my paatti

1. Minimalism:

While minimalism may be a trending concept now, decades before, minimalism was a way of living. Our paatti was a living example of it. All her physical possessions were just an airbag full and she occupied very less of physical space. 

It just makes me wonder how much dependent we are on our physical possessions and tomorrow if we may die, how much of a burden it would be for the people around us to decide over keeping or disposing of them. 

Her minimalistic way of living is something I need to put into action. 

2. Basics:

My paatti was the kind of homemaker who prepared everything from scratch. Be it batter for idli & dosa, setting curd every night or making bakshanams(sweets & savouries), she did everything from scratch. Not only were they healthy and yummy, but in the long run, it was sustainable, hardly generating any waste. 

3. Sustainable choices:

While we are fighting the menace of one-time-use plastics and other non-biodegradable stuff, I’m always in awe to realise my paatti had always chosen sustainable options. Be it using kumkum in place of bindi or banana leaves in place of plates, she made sustainable practices an everyday practice and not an occasional one. 

A poem in rhyme

4. Reusing:

Believe me or not but there is still this kal chetti (stone cookware) that is exclusively used to make the prasava legiyam (herbal medicine given to mothers post-pregnancy) that my paatti had used over generations and is still intact. While we, the people of the current generation, end up in mindless buys, paatti knew how to go for minimal buys, maintain things and made it a point to prioritise reuse rather than throwing things away. 

5. Discipline:

Well, any of us can make sustainable choices or go for minimal buys but what makes my paatti stand out is her discipline. Sustainability wasn’t any practice or habit she picked up but it was her way of living.

For example, I have never seen her keep away clothes to wash for the next day. She does it the same day. In fact, I (& all my cousins too would agree!) had always been in awe of how neatly she maintains her pure cotton, peach-coloured 9-yards saree. 

She hand-washes it, and one can never find a single stain (thanks to her signature style of having a handkerchief tucked in her hip all day long)in it. The way she puts the saree to sun dry and then folds it tightly in the evening as if it has been steam-ironed with wrinkles nowhere to be found is just so being her.

Our paatti breathed simplicity, self-reliance & discipline

in such a way that sustainability became her being. 

But above all, if there is a key takeaway from her life, it would be her love & her way of living. She did all of this out of love and not even once has she advised or insisted anyone follow her way. Neither has she complained a bit; I feel that’s the main reason I’m so drawn to her. She lived simply & wholly that her living itself has become our guide.

Paatti, you have taught us all well & loved us abundantly. We aspire to follow your way of living & in all our efforts, small or big, you will be remembered fondly & forever!

~United voice of your children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren

“This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter.”

Growing Plants Only in Compost- The Pros & Cons

My gardening experiment & experience

Image that reads Growing plants only in compost-the pros & cons.
Designed by the author on Canva

Plants are generally grown in a mix of garden soil, cocopeat and compost. But for a change, I wondered, what if I could grow plants only in compost. So I went ahead putting my thought into action.

Compost is a mixture that is largely made of decaying organic matter like dried leaves and food scraps and is used as a fertiliser for plants. Mature compost is rich in readily available nutrients and is also lighter than soil. 

Inspired by Vani Murthy ma’am, the composting queen, also known as the WormRani (follow her on Instagram here, for a daily dose of motivation) in the gardening circle, I took to composting 4 years back. One year later, I was so obsessed with the process of composting and compost that I wanted to try and experiment with growing plants only on compost. 

In Bangalore weather and on an open terrace that gets a fairly good amount of sunlight throughout the day, growing only on compost did have a decent outcome. Mind you, I started with zero expectations and I always indulge in gardening just for the sake of it with not many expectations. 

Here are some observations from growing plants only in compost

Pros of growing plants only in compost

  1. Compost is lighter in weight compared to soil. Water drains through it easily thereby avoiding stagnation of water in potted plants. This in turn highly reduces the chances of root rots in plants. 
  1. The lighter nature of compost makes it easy to transfer or carry pots around while shifting. Trust me, it is something you may want to consider if you are someone who is into shifting houses, often.
  1. The lighter nature of compost always makes it easy to till up while repotting or sowing or removing weeds, unlike working with soil that gets hard and crusted, making it difficult to till. 
  1. As a lot of chopped vegetable scraps goes into the compost, the nutrient availability increases in the end product, i.e, the mature compost.
  1. Compost is something that is always in progress. It gets denser over time which means that the pot you might have filled to the brim with compost might have reduced in quantity in two weeks. This acts as an advantage as it gives more space to add more compost which in turn reduces any chances of excess wet waste from our households going to landfills. 
  1. Having compost in your pots or soil bed may surprise plants that might have grown from a seed from veg or fruit scrap that had gone into the compost bin and thrived to turn into a sapling. We had watermelons and papaya plants come that way. 

You might as well, like reading this:

Cons of growing plants only in compost

  1. As much as the lighter weight of compost is a plus, it is equally a minus. The lighter weight doesn’t help in providing firm support like soil, especially to climbers and some tender stemmed plants like tomatoes.
  1. Compost, if added prematurely, turns acidic which may harm plant growth. 
  1. Again, adding premature compost may also end up having the growth of unwanted plants (courtesy, the seeds from veg & fruit scars gone into composting & chosen to survive)  along with the ones you intentionally sowed. 
  1. Adding premature moist compost may invite grubs and affect the roots of the plants. 
  1. The easy to dig property of compost may have your furry friend dig it all away and have a good night’s sleep in the warmth of the pot (true story!). 

Have a look at the garden that thrived only on homemade compost.

The result may surprise you!

Click here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Zr__rzBsc-s

Wrap up words

As much as compost is rich in nutrients and can be tempting enough to grow plants only in compost, we should know that it may not provide firm support which too is vital for healthy plant growth. 

So my key takeaway from the experiment was to have a mix of garden soil and matured compost, say in the ration, 4:6 and it has been working well for me till now with decent yields without the need for any chemical fertilisers. 

Happy garden, happy me!

Hope you find this helpful. Also, I am all ears to know about your gardening experiments and hacks. Indulge me!

Signing off with this interesting quote:

Kings and cabbages go back to compost, but good deeds stay green forever.

~Rick DeMarinis

“This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter.”

Digitalization & ECommerceInnovation –the Best Bet to Boost MSMEs

8 Actionable Tips for MSMEs To Boost Business With Digitalization & Ecommerceinnovation

Designed by the Author, using Canva

From a recent survey by The Economic Times, it’s clear that digitalization & EcommerceInnovation has helped MSMEs sustain their business even through the pandemic. Having a digital presence for your products or service can help you scale your business in many ways.

If you are just planning to start your enterprise or already have one and want to take it online and don’t know how and where to start, then fret not. Here are a few tips and resources that can help you take those essential steps towards taking and scaling your business digitally.

1. Decide on domain name & keep logo ready

The website name for your product/service is going to be of primal importance as it is something that your customer will at once identify your product with. So it’s only wise enough to give it a thought and come up with a sensible, simple, catchy and preferably short name for your website that’s easy to remember.

Logo goes a long way in branding your product. Keep it simple and relatable to your product or domain name.

Pro Tip: You can create a logo all by yourself using the Canva app’s free version.

2. Get your business registered with Udyog Aadhar

Similar to the Aadhaar- a unique identification number for citizens of India, Udyog Aadhaar is a unique 12-digit Government identification number for your business enterprise. It is provided by the Government and highly beneficial especially for sole proprietors who don’t have official recognition for their business.

To get a quick idea on how to register and the benefits of getting your business registered, read this.

3. One-page website

It’s always wise to start small and then scale up a business. Likewise, how much ever tempting it might be to invest in a fancy and shiny website, it’s highly recommended to go with a simple one-page website.

What matters is that you get your own domain name and hosting. If this sounds Greek & Latin to you, here’s a detailed article that can hand hold you to create your ready-to-go, one-page website.

4. Payment Gateway

Now that you have registered your business, have an online face to it and you want to monetize it. This is where the need for a payment gateway comes in.

A payment gateway is nothing but an eCommerce application service provider service that makes money transactions between you and your customer feasible. Some of the common service providers that you might have come across are PayTM, RazorPay, Instamojo, etc.

To know what are the top 10 payment gateway in India and choose the right one for your business, check here.

You may like the below video on how an ECommerceInnovation has improved the Indian Economy!

5. Google business

To have more reach in your local area, go get yourself a Google business account. It’s free and it’s an easier way to put a word out and find some local customers. Just do this:

Step 1–  Create a Google account. Pro Tip: Have a dedicated email id for your business.

Step 2– Go to http://www.business.google.com and enter your business name, location & delivery.

Step 3– Tell google what areas you serve and your business hours.

Step 4– Choose a business category.

Step 5- Add contact details.

Step 6– Finish & verify your business. You will be sent a code to your address of correspondence in a week & once you enter it your account will be activated.

There you go!  

6. WhatsApp business account

WhatsApp Business Account is the biggest boon for MSMEs for the way it adds professional as well as a personalized touch to the business. Its ease in accessibility and ability to connect with customers directly makes it a must for boosting business. Marketing and reaching out to a bulk of the targeted audiences is the biggest plus. All you need to get a separate phone number for your business account. No big deal right?!


7. Social Media Connect

Anyone and everyone are on at least one of the social media platforms. Given the wider reach of social media, you can take advantage of the free platform and connect with your customers there. Social media platforms are the best bets for your product/service launches and marketing.

Pro Tip: The analytics for each platform works differently. So, start with one social media platform at a time, grow your audience there over 3 months and then move on to the next platform.

8. Sustainability factor

The best part of having a small scale business is you have control over it totally and make wise decisions every step of it, choosing sustainable solutions. For example, I have seen small businesses like PracheenVidhaan and Kalpavriksha Farms choose sustainable packaging and also support local artisans. As a small business owner, you will definitely have the hold on making conscious choices towards sustainability.

In conclusion, this is the best time to take your next big step towards making your dream business come true with the government schemes and technology all in your favor.

Wishing you the best in all your endeavors. Let growth & success prevail!

This post is written as part of Blogchatter’s campaign #ECommerceInnovation. Read more posts in the campaign here.

Roadblocks that we overlook in an Indian woman’s journey towards entrepreneurship

A picture depicting patriarchy
Copyright @erhui1979 / Getty Images

MSME Annual Report Analysis

Women have definitely made progress in the field of entrepreneurship in spite of all the gender discrimination they face on a day-to-day basis. But the concern here is in spite of the Government’s multiple schemes and initiatives for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) being in favour of women, we still see a huge gender gap in the progress. Why is it so?

While going through the Annual Report of MSME 2020-21, a particular statistic got me thinking. Let me put down the statistics here:

Taken from MSME’s Annual Report 2020-21

We can clearly see a huge gender gap there.

Also, I would like to bring to your attention an interesting point made in the report that mentions there was no significant deviation in this pattern (of the dominance of males in ownership in proprietary MSMEs) in urban and rural areas, although the dominance of male-owned enterprises was slightly more pronounced in urban areas compared to rural areas (81.58% as compared to 77.76%). If just education and access to technology were factors in women entrepreneurship, shouldn’t it be more pronounced in rural than urban? So what are we missing here? Think!

Sneak-peek into the lives of Indian urban women

Now let the statistics be on one side. Let me draw your attention to the picture of a few educated women’s lives living in urban areas who dream of being an entrepreneur.

Satya*– Age 37, married with two kids. A brilliant girl who had cleared her UPSC prelim in her 20’s, got married and is now a homemaker made to believe making 3 different breakfast types each day catering to the taste of her family members (and not hers) is all about being a woman.

Joy*– Age 28, an MBA grad from a prestigious institute. A self-made woman who had the ambition and a foolproof plan for her business idea fall in love with a wrong person who ends up stalking and blackmailing her for nothing wrong on her part. Confidence shattered and cynical of cyber security, she now prefers taking a 9-5 job.

Veda*– Age 35, mother of 2 kids, a free and independent woman prior marriage lives a life of a “parrot in a golden cage”, pampered but not set free. Even her dressing and choice(?) of not being on social media is a decision(!) made by her husband.

Shashi*– Age 40, a software engineer, an ex-data analyst, a mother to 2 teens, decides to upgrade her professional skills and make her entrepreneurial dream come true. The family accepts on one condition that she makes sure the prestige and peace of the household be intact by making sure she gives her due time and attention to take care of the elders at home and follows the customs of the family to a T. Most importantly, to make sure that the onus of household chores doesn’t fall as a burden on anyone else. She still chases her dream, registers her company, multitasks, toils day & night only to end up falling chronically ill just in the next 2 years.

The above women are not any fictional characters and you can easily find one in your family too. I hope this could have thrown light on the picture that we overlook.

Even in a recent episode of a Tamil talk show, social activist Smt.Oviya mentions how still women are trapped in the patriarchal mindset that there is a need for women to develop a business mindset. She goes on to mention that even when women come to register for MSME, there are many cases where women don’t even have a single utility bill in their name to proceed with the paper works.

The need for change

Social stigma, patriarchal mindset, women being bound to unpaid care work, cyber crimes against women- no matter how much ever she is educated or has access to technology- are all few factors that act as roadblocks in a woman’s entrepreneurial journey that we overlook.

Here, a man’s business is considered legit and even seen as a family business while a woman’s business is not; it’s mostly seen as her hobby. A successful woman is portrayed as one who could multitask striking the right balance between work and family while a man is not expected to strike such balance.

Gender biases should be eradicated. Unpaid care work should be shared and not seen just as a woman’s duty. Only then, a woman can scale in her entrepreneurial journey at an exponential rate.

The government may come with multiple schemes and banks may provide non-collateral loans but are we as a society ready to unlearn our cultural conditioning and biases that hold back our women at home?

“The best thermometer to the progress of a nation is its treatment of its women.”

– Swami Vivekananda 

*Names changed for privacy concerns.

Growth Matters Forum is a community for business owners to explore ideas, streamline growth and create an impact. Join the community here.

Blogchatter- Bloggers’ Best Bet for Networking & Earning

A Canva design that read Blogchatter-Bloggers' best bet for networking & earning
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If you are a beginner to the blogging world, wanting to earn but shy away from networking or actively using social media, then this is for you.

As bloggers, we start with the hope to be seen. We jump into blogging with the idea that our articles be read and shared instantly. But the ground reality hits hard when we see no visibility for the post for which we laboured in hours. That’s when networking comes to play.

Given the popularity of social media platforms for instant connections, shares and likes, we might think networking is not a big deal. But let me tell you that intentional and healthy networking for bloggers should mean looking beyond those Instagram connections and story shares.

One of the best and dynamic Indian platforms that connect bloggers under one roof is Blogchatter. It helps in better networking and engaging with fellow bloggers with a variety of options. There is something for everyone and you can very easily find and grow your community for better learning and for better reach, of course.

As someone who prefers listening over talking and being alone over partying, networking wasn’t my cup of tea. Also, being an ITP warrior, I’m generally not left with much energy for social media presence too. So right when I was wondering how to get into intentional networking, I chanced upon Blogchatter.

What makes Blogchatter the best bet and a personal favourite is its versatility. Not all bloggers come with the same purpose and same skill sets. While some may blog for a hobby, some do it for business or as a part of learning. While some may be good at long posts, some may steal the show with short video captures. While some bet on SEO, some swear by social media presence. Blogchatter makes every blogger feel seen and heard.

Blogchatter with its carefully crafted features always comes up with campaigns, challenges and contests that are well-curated keeping in mind the dynamism of the blogger world. This gives each blogger the freedom to have their own approach and also find their tribe.

Even if you are an introvert like me, their campaigns like Blogchatter half marathon, book review programs, reading challenge and the easiest of all blogroll submissions can help you get started with networking.

Even while being very less active, being part of the campaigns has helped with the visibility of my website. But the best part is being able to discover like-minded people and their amazing writings. Discovering different styles of writing and also posts from niches outside of ours is an added advantage exclusive of being part of the Blogchatter community.

If you are someone full time into blogging and are an extrovert with social media presence being your strength, Blogchatter’s time to time contest, Twitter threads and their most –favoured #MyFriendAlexa are something that you certainly don’t want to miss.

Well, while visibility alone can give us the boost, Blogchatter gives its community the high of earning money too. You can either choose to just read a book or read and review it; write a single guest post or pen multiple posts for a marathon; write for a cause or for the sheer joy of writing or just do it all to earn money.

The Blogchatter team knows how to bring the best to the blogger world and individual bloggers too. Being a part of the Blogchatter community has been one of my best decisions and this post would just mean my gratitude to them. (This is not a sponsored post!)

So if you are reading this and are yet to join the Blogchatter community, I must say, you are missing out on the best of the blogging world.