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I sought love, I believed
& you happened to me
I brimmed with love, I believed
& you happened to me
I was deserted by love, I believed
& you happened to me
I was out of love, I believed,
& you happened to me
I was in & out of love, I believed
& you happened to me
I believed in the transient tales of love
that tricked me to believe love 
to be a guest at my door
welcomed and discarded at will
That love can happen
& unhappen
That love can be felt
& unfelt
That love can be confined
& unconfined
I believed in the transient tales of love
& you happened to me
only to realize the promise
of an eternal embrace by Thou-
love that’s transcendent...
Thou art love!
22910cookie-checkThou Art Love- A Poem