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Dear Reader,

This is my little gift to you—a poem to inspire a hopeful start, wherever you are and whenever you need it.

Written in the timeless style of Rudyard Kipling’s ‘If,’ it encourages you to embrace your past, trust life’s process, and discover light even in the darkest moments. A celebration of fresh starts and self-discovery awaits!

Yours is the day to celebrate & the year to look forward to

If you can hold on to hope—
the hushed song of your heart,
a fragile sliver of light
that only you can see—
even on the darkest days,
when the world around you seems
bright and carefree;

If you can embrace your past,
accept your mistakes,
and give yourself another chance
to start over,
with a clean slate;

If you can trust the process,
let the alchemy of life
work its wonders on you,
without fear or resistance,
and surrender to its flow;

If, in surrendering,
you don't get lost in the "what ifs"
and "what nots,"
but focus on what’s needed in the now,
even when life feels unpredictable;

If you can wait
and keep your heart open to answers,
while working with what you know,
ready to shift course
as guidance arrives;

If you can step beyond predictability,
and realize that
your new year begins not on a date,
but in the moment
you choose to give yourself another chance—

Then yours is the day to celebrate,
and the year to look forward.

Wishing you such a celebration.
Happy New Year!

~ Seetha (aka) Preethi

31230cookie-checkYours is the day to celebrate & the year to look forward to — A Poem