

A go-to guide on DIYs and hacks for sustainable living

Book Review: Live Smart
Book Review: Live Smart

Book details


Author: Teja Lele

Cover Illustrations: Sayan

Cover Design: Amit Malhotra

Inside Illustrations: Surojit Bhattacharjee

Genre: Non-fiction

Type: Paperback

Page Count: 245

Price: Paperback- ₹399, Kindle- ₹223


Are you trying to fix a leaky faucet? Wondering how to treat a bee sting? Looking to purify water without a fancy purifier? Making a chemical-free lotion bar? Wondering what to do with the pile of cardboard boxes left after online retail therapy?

If yes, then Live Smart: 100 Hacks for a Healthier and Happier Life is your go-to guide! Here you will find user-friendly DIY solutions for everyday problems and interesting tips accompanied by illustrations that will help you navigate the how-to-do-its in a step-by-step manner.

Live Smart is an invaluable manual for those looking for practical ways to organize and improve their daily life—and having a little fun while they’re at it!

Book Review

As someone very fond of DIYs and minimalism, I’m always on the lookout for doable hacks which means my phone is filled with screenshots & YouTube videos on DIYs. So it was only natural for me to grab this book when it came for reviewing on the Blogchatter platform.

I assumed it to have a listing of hacks or DIYs like any other book on life hacks but I was proven wrong by this carefully structured and well-rounded book. Right from the start to the end, it kept me hooked.

 “Self-sustainability doesn’t come easy in today’s world, where almost everything we need is a click or a swipe away.”

-Teja Lele

The author knows that for any sort of change to happen it must come from within and starts the book with the right questions-the essential whys. As you read, you are sure to go down memory lane and think of your ancestors’ simplistic lifestyle and yearn for it.

Within the first few pages, the intention of the book as well as that of the reader’s journey on sustainability is set. This makes the book more purposeful and action-oriented than being a mere read.  

Coming to the hacks themselves, there are 100 of them categorised under the sections titled, Home, Food and Kitchen, Beauty, Health and Well-being and Reuse and Recycle. They cover every aspect of our lives be it fixing a leaky tap or revamping leftovers or making your mouthwash or prioritising mental health or reusing fruit peels. The list is endless.

There are also these features like ‘smart tips’ and ‘checklists’ which are like WOW! You definitely need them to make your sustainability journey an easy breeze.  

The hacks/DIYs are crisp with clear instructions and safety precautions/warnings wherever necessary. The hacks are such that they can be appealing to people of any age, no matter wherever they are in their journey of sustainability or self-sustenance. In fact, it was my 10-year-old daughter who read this book first and made her list of things to try first. (Making a bird feeder, homemade mayonnaise and natural eye shadow top her list!)

What I felt even more fascinating is the author’s conversational tone with fictional characters/movie references here and there. Her witty phrases/lines make it more relatable and interesting as well.

More importantly, the author has nowhere made any stereotypical assumptions while talking about domestic chores/tasks or hacks, which is definitely noteworthy. Even the illustrations have made their point.

The cover design and illustration by Amit Malhotra and Sayan, respectively, are attractive and non-stereotypical. The inside illustrations by Surojit Bhattacharjee complement the hacks by giving us a visual insight into how things may look or how things need to be done. It gives the reader much-needed clarity.

‘What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.’

-T.S. Eliot

To top it all, the end (Not the end, as the writer mentions) comes as a cherry on the cake. What a perfect ending, rather, beginning (you will know what I mean when you read this book!) to this journey. What a holistic outlook! It gave the feeling of completeness.

Wrap-up words

This book is definitely a catalyst in my journey of sustainability and it can be yours too. This book will meet you where you are and help you take the necessary steps to up your self-sustenance index and trust me, it is the need of the hour.

Finally, I just have two words-Go, BUY!

Buy here

P.S. This book also gains the credit of enlightening me that cover illustrations and cover design are two different things.

“This review is powered by Blogchatter’s Book Review Program


A Cookbook by Shail Thosani

PC: ©Blogchatter | EBook by Shail Thosani
PC: ©Blogchatter | EBook by Shail Thosani

Food is our common ground. A universal experience.

~ James Beard

Intrigued by the cover page, I pick up this book only to find out the author, Shail Thosani is a lawyer by profession and a home chef out of passion. With an enticing list of 15 vegetarian recipes in the index, this book got me hooked right then. Right from the crispy bread wada to the innovative stuffed idli, it was a drool-worthy read.

With simple yet drool-worthy recipes, this handy EBook has recipes that are beginner-friendly. All the recipes come with detailed step-by-step instructions with necessary bonus tips here and there.

Also, the recipes are made with commonly available ingredients and cooking utensils easily available in an Indian kitchen. Also, each recipe is accompanied by a picture of the dish so you know what to expect before starting to cook.

There is a mix of breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes and most of the recipes can be had any time of the day, like the broccoli paratha or the masala bhakri.

Suggested Read:

The potato fingers, quinoa patties and stuffed idli are going to be sure hits amongst kids. There are also easy-to-make dessert recipes like chocolate fudge ice cream, rava mango cake, etc to satiate your sweet tooth.

What I loved about the book is the clear step-by-step instructions and neat presentation. I would have loved to see more recipes though. Also not to forget, if you are looking for non-vegetarian recipes then you will be disappointed. But I’m sure the spicy veg recipes will make up for the disappointment though.

P.S. My hand is itching to try the potato fingers, stuffed idli, rava mango cake and broccoli masala, right away!

To grab a promotional copy of the book, click here.

This review is part of the #BlogchatterEBook carnival, 2022.

‘I’m participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter’.


Concise Environmentopedia Goodies by MeenalSonal Mathur

PC: ©Blogchatter | EBook by MeenalSonal Mathur
PC: ©Blogchatter | EBook by MeenalSonal Mathur

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.

~Khalil Gibran

How often do we take time to be in the loving embrace of nature and enjoy its blessings consciously? Not very often, isn’t it? In this fast-paced life where we are all chasing goals after goals, we make schedules to embrace nature by planning a vacation by the beach side or camping or hiking. This being the bitter truth, the book, “Lessons from Nature” by the sisters cum duo bloggers, Meenal & Sonal comes as a gentle reminder to embrace nature and learn its language to understand the wisdom it has got to enlighten us with.

Floral blush steps down
Paving way for novice hopes
Unwrapping new stories

Written in a mix of prose and poetry, the book evokes optimism at every turn of the page. From flowers to moons to droughts and eclipses it invites the reader to view life through the lens of optimism and hope.

Suggested Read:

What may be considered the fierce face of nature like drought or quagmire is also shown in a new perspective that holds essential life lessons for us to learn. Before I forget, I should mention the beauty of the book cover.; it aptly evokes a sense of gentleness.

I particularly loved their portrayal of an eclipse as a power nap of the mighty celestial bodies.

A power nap of celestials
Working round the clock
Time to replenish

Another highlighting part of the book is the way each writeup ends with questions to reflect upon. That’s a very thoughtful way of adding more value to the book and the reader as well.

Though I understand the topics are arranged in alphabetical order, I wished they had been organised in a different way to make the flow seamless. But otherwise, the book is worth reading and reflecting on.

To grab a promotional copy of the book, click here.

This review is part of the #BlogchatterEBook carnival, 2022.

‘I’m participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter’.

Digitalization & ECommerceInnovation –the Best Bet to Boost MSMEs

8 Actionable Tips for MSMEs To Boost Business With Digitalization & Ecommerceinnovation

Designed by the Author, using Canva

From a recent survey by The Economic Times, it’s clear that digitalization & EcommerceInnovation has helped MSMEs sustain their business even through the pandemic. Having a digital presence for your products or service can help you scale your business in many ways.

If you are just planning to start your enterprise or already have one and want to take it online and don’t know how and where to start, then fret not. Here are a few tips and resources that can help you take those essential steps towards taking and scaling your business digitally.

1. Decide on domain name & keep logo ready

The website name for your product/service is going to be of primal importance as it is something that your customer will at once identify your product with. So it’s only wise enough to give it a thought and come up with a sensible, simple, catchy and preferably short name for your website that’s easy to remember.

Logo goes a long way in branding your product. Keep it simple and relatable to your product or domain name.

Pro Tip: You can create a logo all by yourself using the Canva app’s free version.

2. Get your business registered with Udyog Aadhar

Similar to the Aadhaar- a unique identification number for citizens of India, Udyog Aadhaar is a unique 12-digit Government identification number for your business enterprise. It is provided by the Government and highly beneficial especially for sole proprietors who don’t have official recognition for their business.

To get a quick idea on how to register and the benefits of getting your business registered, read this.

3. One-page website

It’s always wise to start small and then scale up a business. Likewise, how much ever tempting it might be to invest in a fancy and shiny website, it’s highly recommended to go with a simple one-page website.

What matters is that you get your own domain name and hosting. If this sounds Greek & Latin to you, here’s a detailed article that can hand hold you to create your ready-to-go, one-page website.

4. Payment Gateway

Now that you have registered your business, have an online face to it and you want to monetize it. This is where the need for a payment gateway comes in.

A payment gateway is nothing but an eCommerce application service provider service that makes money transactions between you and your customer feasible. Some of the common service providers that you might have come across are PayTM, RazorPay, Instamojo, etc.

To know what are the top 10 payment gateway in India and choose the right one for your business, check here.

You may like the below video on how an ECommerceInnovation has improved the Indian Economy!

5. Google business

To have more reach in your local area, go get yourself a Google business account. It’s free and it’s an easier way to put a word out and find some local customers. Just do this:

Step 1–  Create a Google account. Pro Tip: Have a dedicated email id for your business.

Step 2– Go to http://www.business.google.com and enter your business name, location & delivery.

Step 3– Tell google what areas you serve and your business hours.

Step 4– Choose a business category.

Step 5- Add contact details.

Step 6– Finish & verify your business. You will be sent a code to your address of correspondence in a week & once you enter it your account will be activated.

There you go!  

6. WhatsApp business account

WhatsApp Business Account is the biggest boon for MSMEs for the way it adds professional as well as a personalized touch to the business. Its ease in accessibility and ability to connect with customers directly makes it a must for boosting business. Marketing and reaching out to a bulk of the targeted audiences is the biggest plus. All you need to get a separate phone number for your business account. No big deal right?!


7. Social Media Connect

Anyone and everyone are on at least one of the social media platforms. Given the wider reach of social media, you can take advantage of the free platform and connect with your customers there. Social media platforms are the best bets for your product/service launches and marketing.

Pro Tip: The analytics for each platform works differently. So, start with one social media platform at a time, grow your audience there over 3 months and then move on to the next platform.

8. Sustainability factor

The best part of having a small scale business is you have control over it totally and make wise decisions every step of it, choosing sustainable solutions. For example, I have seen small businesses like PracheenVidhaan and Kalpavriksha Farms choose sustainable packaging and also support local artisans. As a small business owner, you will definitely have the hold on making conscious choices towards sustainability.

In conclusion, this is the best time to take your next big step towards making your dream business come true with the government schemes and technology all in your favor.

Wishing you the best in all your endeavors. Let growth & success prevail!

This post is written as part of Blogchatter’s campaign #ECommerceInnovation. Read more posts in the campaign here.