
Indulge in poetry here.

Collaborative Poetry: The Pillion Rider

Hello, hello! Loving how each #CollaborativePoetry brings surprises as I collaborate with another person. If you’re wondering what all the buzz is about or feeling FOMO, fret not. Check out the post below and join the conversation.

Before you dive into the #CollaborativePoetry for the day, here are a few things I’d like to share:

  1. The first line of the poem is written by the other person, while the second by me, and so on, alternatingly.
  2. What you see here is a raw, first draft that will undergo further editing before finding its place within the pages of a book.
  3. There is no fixed theme or title before embarking on this poetic journey. With each line, our perspectives shifts, and so does the direction of the poem. That’s the uniqueness and beauty of this #CollaborativePoetry.
  4. Every collaborator in this series comes from different backgrounds, ranging from novice to expert in writing/poetry.
  5. To add an extra layer of intrigue, for each poem, I’ll share an analysis generated by ChatGPT. This allows you to see if your understanding or perspective of the poem aligns with it or not. Remember, the beauty of poetry lies in its ability to hold multiple perspectives, all of which can be valid.

So, let’s dive into the poem of the day:

This poem is in collaboration with, Smt.Saradha Vishwanathan. She’s a dedicated HDFC Life Executive Planner channelling all her earnings into social services, striving to uplift communities one policy at a time. Moreover, she is a lively and an optimistic person. Click here to connect with her.

Collaborative Poem - The pillion rider

The witness of birth, life and death is one and the same,
Where a flower blooms, the leaves wither,
Also, where flowers bloom, so does hope...
What am I looking at- death or revival? surrender or survival?
Life is forever, in search of new expressions-
Once I believed, now mere witness to fading expressions...
So stand without desire and fear
Every experience a life lesson, oh dear!
Yes, behind all that moves, leave all unto Him.
Be the pillion rider, for He shall navigate the bumps.


ChatGPT’s Analysis of the Poem:

The poem delves into themes of life, death, hope, surrender, and spiritual faith. It begins by acknowledging the cyclical nature of existence, where birth, life, and death are intertwined. The imagery of a flower blooming and leaves withering illustrates this perpetual cycle of creation and decay. Despite the inevitability of death, the poem also highlights the concurrent presence of hope whenever new life emerges.

The speaker reflects on the ambiguity of their observations, questioning whether they are witnessing death or revival, surrender or survival. This uncertainty mirrors the complexities of life and the myriad emotions that accompany its various phases.

As the poem progresses, the speaker contemplates the transient nature of life and their evolving perspective. They transition from active participation in life to a more detached role of being a witness to its fleeting moments. This shift in perspective is accompanied by a sense of acceptance and equanimity, as the speaker learns to stand without desire and fear, embracing each experience as a valuable lesson.

The poem culminates with a surrender to a higher power, symbolized by the reference to “Him.” This surrender is not a resignation but an acknowledgment of divine guidance and providence. The metaphor of enjoying the pavilion ride underscores the idea of relinquishing control and trusting in a greater plan, even amidst life’s inevitable challenges and uncertainties. Overall, the poem celebrates the cyclical nature of life while advocating for acceptance, resilience, and faith in the face of its mysteries.

That’s a wrap for today! What are your thoughts on this initiative? Does it pique your interest in poetry? Is there anything else you’d like to know or suggest for future additions? Share your perspective on this poem in the comments below!

Also, if you want to see your masterpiece featured here, click on the post below to get all the details!

Happy Poetrying!!

Collaborative Poetry: Becoming

Hello, hello! Kicking off the #CollaborativePoetry initiative on a high note as the previous blog post about it has clinched the top blog award from the Blogchatter community. Check here.

Before you dive into the first collaborative poetry, here are a few things I’d like to share:

  1. The first line of the poem is written by the other person, while the second by me, and so on, alternatingly.
  2. What you see here is a raw, first draft that will undergo further editing before finding its place within the pages of a book.
  3. There is no fixed theme or title before embarking on this poetic journey. With each line, our perspectives shifts, and so does the direction of the poem. That’s the uniqueness and beauty of this #CollaborativePoetry.
  4. Every collaborator in this series comes from different backgrounds, ranging from novice to expert in writing/poetry.
  5. To add an extra layer of intrigue, for each poem, I’ll share an analysis generated by ChatGPT. This allows you to see if your understanding or perspective of the poem aligns with it or not. Remember, the beauty of poetry lies in its ability to hold multiple perspectives, all of which can be valid.

So, let’s dive into the poem of the day.

This poem is in collaboration with, Shubhangi Shukla. She’s an Indian woman on her journey to redefine what it means to be a woman. She helps other women overcome mental, emotional and energetic blocks, rediscover who they are beyond family and work obligations, and become their most confident and empowered version. Check out her business profile, here.

Collaborative Poetry: Becoming

Sitting cross-legged between yellow walls
The canvas of my mind breathes
Blue skies and beautiful white clouds...
Nascent wings of my feminine, flutters
Is this ALL to life or is there more?
Do canvases turn concrete or expand too?
Am I moulded or can I become HER?
The boundless beauty that I dream of-
Ambitious. Persevering. Sincere. Whole. Love.
Breathe into life, breaking the yellow wall!


ChatGPT’s Analysis of the Poem:

The poem explores themes of self-discovery, ambition, and the quest for personal transformation. The speaker begins by setting the scene, describing themselves sitting amidst yellow walls, which can symbolize confinement or limitation. However, amidst this confinement, the canvas of the speaker’s mind is depicted as expansive, filled with imagery of blue skies and white clouds, suggesting a desire for freedom and transcendence.

The speaker then reflects on the potential of life, questioning whether there is more beyond the confines of their current existence. This introspection leads to a consideration of personal growth and empowerment. The mention of “Nascent wings of my feminine” suggests a burgeoning sense of identity and agency, particularly in the context of femininity.

The poem’s central question—whether the speaker is merely moulded by their circumstances or capable of transformation—underscores a desire for self-realization and fulfilment. The speaker aspires to embody qualities such as ambition, perseverance, sincerity, and love, envisioning a boundless beauty that transcends limitations.

The concluding lines evoke a sense of empowerment and liberation as the speaker’s aspirations breathe life into existence, breaking through the metaphorical yellow walls of constraint. This suggests a transformative journey towards self-actualization and the realization of one’s full potential.

How did you find this collaborative poetry? If you want to see your masterpiece featured here, click on the post below to get all the details! Let’s create magic through collaborative poetry!

Happy Poetrying!!

இறுதி ஊர்வலம்-தமிழ் கவிதை

இறுதி ஊர்வலம்

மத்திய உணவுக்கான நேரம்
எதிர்பாராத அளவில் கூட்டம்
வாசலில்- ஒரு சவம்
அதை தூக்கிச் சுமந்தபடி
பல கைகள் 

பட்டு வண்ண பட்டாம்பூச்சியை
பல கட்டெறும்புகள்! 

உன் இறுதி ஊர்வலத்தில்
உன்னைச் சுமக்கப் போவது யார்?

மேலும் படித்து ரசிக்க:

Thou Art Love- A Poem

PC: Designed by the Author using Canva
I sought love, I believed
& you happened to me
I brimmed with love, I believed
& you happened to me
I was deserted by love, I believed
& you happened to me
I was out of love, I believed,
& you happened to me
I was in & out of love, I believed
& you happened to me
I believed in the transient tales of love
that tricked me to believe love 
to be a guest at my door
welcomed and discarded at will
That love can happen
& unhappen
That love can be felt
& unfelt
That love can be confined
& unconfined
I believed in the transient tales of love
& you happened to me
only to realize the promise
of an eternal embrace by Thou-
love that’s transcendent...
Thou art love!

எங்கு எழுகிறது காதல்- ஓர் கவிதை

PC: Designed by the Author using Canva

எங்கு எழுகிறது காதல்?

புல்  நுனி பனித்துளிகள் படும் 
பட்டு பாதங்களிலா ?

தொட்டும் தொடாமலும் 
பட்டும் படாமலும் 
தென்றல் முத்தமிட்டுச்செல்லும் 
மலர் மேனியிலா ?

கார்மேகமும் கதிரவனும் ஆடும் 
கண்ணாம்பூச்சி  ஆட்டத்தை 
காணும் கண்களிலா ?

ருதுவான அன்பின் மொழி 
அமைதியின்  அரவணைப்பில் 
ரீங்காரமாய் ஒலிக்கும் செவிகளிலா ?

முத்தமிட்டு ஒப்பந்தம் செய்த 
விண்ணுக்கும் -மண்ணுக்குமான 
காதலை மண்வாசனையில் 
நுகரும் நாசிகளிலா ?

உன்னோடு உறவாடும் வேளையில் 
நேசக்கடல் நீர்வீழ்ச்சியாய் எழும் 
நெஞ்ச குழியிலா? 

தொடுதலிலா ?

காரணத்திலா ?

ஊடலிலா ?

மயக்கத்திலா ?
மதியிலா ?

மரணத்திலா ?


எங்கு எழுகிறது காதல்?
தெரிந்தால் எனக்குச் சொல் 

எங்கிருந்து எழுகிறதோ 
கட்டுக்கடங்காத காதல் 
அங்கேயே  நான் 
உடன் கட்டை ஏறிவிடுவேன் 

எங்கு எழுகிறது காதல்?
தெரிந்தால் எனக்குச் சொல்!

Goodbyes Can Be Hellos Too- A Poem

PC: Designed by the Author using Canva
In the hidden depths of the womb's cocoon,
A soft bundle of pink begins to bloom,
Nurtured in darkness, yet longing for light,
Crying for that first breath, held close to mother's sight.

An uninvited intruder, a pearl in a shell,
Nourished in confinement, in solitude to dwell,
Emerging polished, shining with glee,
A treasure for all, in a jeweller's gallery to be.

A wanderer caterpillar, seeking to transform,
Digesting self, in a cocoon it will conform,
Hanging upside down, a colourful shroud,
Emerging winged, a bewitching butterfly, proud.

Uncertain of a start anew,
Journey of transformation, through and through
A fresh avenue, sought out by few,
For goodbyes can be hellos too.

Redemption by the Coast- A love poem

PC: Designed by the Author using Canva

Redemption by the Coast- A love poem

Being a single mother by the day, 
A stripper by night, with no other way, 
My life felt mechanical and cold, 
With no room to let my emotions unfold.

The ticking of the clock kept me on track, 
But my heart's song I failed to keep in track. 
The stripping tore me apart every day, 
I felt like a machine with nothing to say.

Then came a man who proved me wrong, 
Listening to my stories all along. 
He didn't care about my past or my tears, 
Only that he could father my little dear.

He held my hand firmly but with a gentle touch, 
Making me feel like I deserved love this much.
 For once, my heart sang a different tune, 
And I forgot the tick-tock rhythm so soon.

We walked along the coast, away from the night, 
And for the first time, everything felt just right. 
Behind a wrecked catamaran, we took our rest, 
My skin felt his touch, and my heart felt blessed.

My eyes sparkled with tears of pure joy, 
As I looked into his eyes, like a starry sky.
 I wanted to whisper a secret to his lips, 
To let him know of my passionate grips.

As the wind blew against his face,
 I yearned for his kisses, with an intense pace. 
And when I looked at him again, 
His lips were tinted with fuchsia, like mine then.

Boundless Beauty: A Soul’s Longing

PC: Designed by the Author using Canva
From a hilltop view,
 I see the vast expanse above, 
a boundless beauty. 
My soul, trapped in mortal form, 
longs to soar free like the sky.