
Indulge in poetry here.

Love’s Embrace

A poem on Overcoming Failure with the Comfort of Affection

PC: Designed by the Author using Canva

Love’s Embrace

On a day so ordinary
When the heart bore no story
She hopped towards me
With her usual contagious glee

Our chit-chats about her day at school
Suddenly took a turn, uncool
Her bold expression turns hushed
To whispers, whilst her agony gushed

A 10-year-old shares her failure
In a tone tainted with despair 
Like her skin’s acquired the colour of shame
And every eye’s pointing her out to blame

My heart sinks as her eyes bore into mine
Hoping for hope through my words of shine
I stand there as an adult holding of a promise
In her expectant eyes, to make her feel at ease

There are faces familiar
Surrounding us, all so near
Yet in a voice quite clear
I go on to tell my stories of failure

There are stares of shock & surprise
At an adult’s success losing its disguise
Yet, I know for sure this is what she needs to hear
Of seeing failure equally as success, so dear

Tomorrow when she sees me smile
With my head held high in a confident style
Her failures will no longer fail her
As whispers would turn to hopeful chatter

UPDATE: Happy to share with you that this post was selected as a top blog by Blogchatter. Thank you for supporting my work 🙂

Happily flaunting the TOP BLOG BADGE!

Top post on Blogchatter

பௌர்ணமி பாரம்

ஓர் காதல் கவிதை

A woman gazing full moon
PC: Designed by the Author using Canva & DALL.E 2
பறந்தவெளியிலிருந்து  அவனும் 
இருண்ட தாழ்வாரத்திலிருந்து இவளும் 
ஒருத்தரை ஒருத்தர் நோக்கியவாறு 
தனிமையை தொலைக்கிறார்கள் 

தொலைவிலிருந்து கண்டவாறு 
காத்திருக்கிறேன் நான் 
துணையாக ஒருநாள் என்னை 
தேர்ந்தெடுப்பாள்  என்றெண்ணி 

Pondering on Love Sitting in a Dentist’s Chair

A poem in rhyme

Image of a woman sitting in a dentist's chair- The picture reads, Podering on love sitting in a dentist's chair-A poem in rhyme
PC: Designed by the Author
Staring up at the bright light above
Numb from the shot, I ponder on  love

I know the drill, that’s a numbed kill
Yet in love for a smile, I keep still

The hum of the drill, a familiar sound,
Reminds me of feelings that swirl all around

How willing was I to trust
While baring myself was a must?

Maybe the art of surrender
Could take me in love’s yonder...

Love can be sweet, like sugar on the tongue,
But also sharp, like a dentist’s instrument young

It can make your heart skip a beat,
But also leave you feeling incomplete

As I sit here, captive in this chair,
I can’t help but think of the love I bear

Is it a comfort, a gentle embrace
Or a pain that leaves a permanent trace?

Maybe the art of surrender
Could take me in love’s yonder...

Along with the drilling & tearing
I find a part of me, cleaning & healing 

Discomfort disappears that was a while ago
I wonder, is it because of a dissolving ego?

I don’t know the answer, but I’ll keep searching,
Pondering on love, while my teeth are lurching

For love is a journey, with twists and turns
And maybe one day, my heart will learn

Until then, maybe the art of surrender
Could take me in love’s yonder...

சில்லென்று ஒரு காதல்

கடலின் ஆழம் கற்றறிந்தேன் 
உன் மௌனத்தில் 
நீந்தி எழுகையில் 

முத்தும், முத்தங்களும் பொக்கிஷங்கள்  

உன் ஈரக் கசிவுகளில் 
என் இதய ராகம் 

மழை முத்தமிட்ட இலைகள் 
காகிதப்  பூவும் 
மலர்ந்தன -உன் 
காதலின் கதகதப்பில் 

என் புத்தகத்தில் உன் பெயர்
மேலும் படிக்க:

Caged Love

Story intertwined within haikus

Image of a caged parrot
PC: Designed by the Author
a bright summer noon
memories of you, shadows
passing clouds in sky

an eagle soars high
beyond the dark clouds, a flight
parrots seek shelter

your voice speaks to me
be mine, 'forever sunshine'
cage bird never sings

‘Tis is the season of love, my dear

An epistolary poem

Oh Dear,
‘Tis is the season of love, my dear!
Do you feel it in the fragrance of flowers
or when dainty butterfly dances or hovers?
Magic is abound, I truly believe. 
Why not step outside into an open space
where the sun-kissed sky
wraps you in its warm embrace,
so you know—even from miles apart—I stand beneath
the same sky—thinking of you,
whispering wishes into the echoing world
letting you know we are wrapped
in a blanket of love,
threaded with energies
of endless affection,
where you & I bear witness to its abundance.
Did you know, love doesn’t need a rhyme?
‘Tis is the season of love, my dear, it’s truly sublime!

ஹைக்கூ கவிதைகள்-தொகுப்பு 2

Haikkoo Kavidhaigal
© Promising Poetry

வெவ்வேறு தருணங்களில் எழுதிய ஹைக்கூ கவிதைகள் உங்கள் பார்வைக்காக. இதில் உங்களுக்கு எது பிடித்தது என்று ‘கமெண்ட்ஸில்’ சொல்லவும்.

முகமூடிகள் பல
முடிந்து கொண்டன-
முந்தானை முடிச்சில்...
காற்மேகம் படற
கலங்கியது கட்டுடல்-
கட்டிலில் வேசி...
சஞ்சலமற்ற மனங்கள்
சவப்பெட்டியில் சடலங்கள்!

How to thrift like a boss

A poem on thrifting

How to thrift like a boss- A poem on thrifting
Designed by the Author on Canva

By definition, thrifting is the careful use of money, especially by avoiding waste and thrift stores are the ones that sell used things like clothes, books, and furniture at throwaway prices. Being born in a typical middle-class, Indian family, thrifting had always been a part of our life. Just that, we didn’t know it was called so. Also, growing up we (my sibling and I) didn’t have any regrets. We eagerly fought for the hand-me-downs and also shared things happily. It has now become part of our fond memories and we have passed on the tradition to our kids.

Thrifting is not just about cost cutting but it’s about valuing what we receive and the emotions behind it. Thrifting has been cool since ages. Here’s a poetic rendition for the Blogchatter campaign #ThriftingIsCool. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Time to get nostalgic with this sweet dedication to my sista!

How to thrift like a boss

1.	Start early. Learn the art 
early on. Steal
    from your sibling’s closet
                and call it thrifting-
even better- call it savings!
Your parents will be proud
whilst your sibling may frown.

2.	I bet, your sibling’s stares help
you grow a thick skin, over the years
     prepping to perfect the art 
          of thrifting. Cajole them. 
Pay them in praise. Tell them 
their taste is better
      than yours. I do. It works. 
Soften their frowns with flattery. Earn 
     the key to their heart closet. 

3.	Now that your foundations 
are laid strong, get out 
of your comfort zone. Go 
       thrifting in your local shops.
(Mind you, no stealing; 
shop owners are no siblings!)
Wear something between cheap
     and chic. Don’t let your class seep
through your clothes; it helps 
to sieve through all price ranges. 

4.	Walk in like the owner but befriend
    the staff with a fond grin. Take your
sibling along if need be to remind 
yourself of your confidence. Patience
      is a virtue- practise it!

5.	Scan through the shelves as if 
they were your lover’s heart. Seek 
       their secrets. Do they speak to you 
           in silence, profound? Seek! Know!

6.	Pick the piece that speaks from 
its seams. Feel it. Do they invoke
the tenderness of your lover’s foreplay
or prick like their pretentious phiz?

Rub it gently across your soulful skin. 
Does it smell of an exotic fragrance
    foreign to you or a rustic smell, familiar? 
Does it make you feel alien or give you 
          the comfort of home?

7.	Forget there’s anyone around. Forget 
the tags of trends or class upon you 
     or the clothes. Forget you are you. 
Listen to your soul’s singing. Has it made
friends with the seams or its seamless fabric?
Make your choice. 

If confusion prevails, eye on
        the piece that your sibling might have
picked without much thought. After all, 
you know what makes you feel at home!

How To Dissolve Yourself as a Poet- A Poem

A poem on how to be the voice of others by dissolving yourself

Note: This poem was first published here: <link rel=“canonical” href=“https://medium.com/gentleness-ambassadors/how-to-dissolve-yourself-as-a-poet-50c017d30bfc” />

Designed by the Author, using Canva

How to dissolve yourself as a poet

Do not think. Do not
write. Not even
attempt. Just be
unarmed. Your naked
to stories
and scars alike but
not to use them
as protective clothing.

Stay naked.

Your vulnerability
is the fabric.


through the fabric.
It’s hard. Yet


Even as you be
and breathe-
jump, sway, dance
cry, punch,
or itch as
the scar
or story may
want you to.

Blend with the story.
Bleed with the scar.


Let it all
soak up
the fabric.

Your vulnerability.

Let it
suck it up
till saturated.
Stretch it
Shrink it
Carefully lift
the fabric. Spread
it away from
your naked self.


The scars that
you allowed
to seep into
your skin
can wait.
to the fabric
first. Remember
you are a poet.
That fabric-
your canvas
and composition.


like the lover’s
let your soul
gently tend to
the fabric.

Lift it up
letting light
find its way
parts of it
In the clothesline
of creative force
pin it carefully
with pegs
of purpose
so life breathes
through its pores.

Let it be.
Let it dry.
Let it dance.
Let it drench.
Let it delve.
Let it dry.
Let it be.


you are a poet.
That fabric-
your canvas
and composition
It’s not
Gently move away.
It’s now
for the world
to witness.

You may now
tend to
the scars or
that you
let seep
through your

You can be

ஹைக்கூ கவிதைகள்-தொகுப்பு 1

© Promising Poetry

வெவேறு தருணங்களில் எழுதிய ஹைக்கூ கவிதைகள் உங்கள் பார்வைக்காக. இதில் உங்களுக்கு எது பிடித்தது என்று ‘கமெண்ட்ஸில்’ சொல்லவும்.


இரு தனி வரிகளாய் இருந்த அவளும் அவனும்  
இணைந்து- ஒரே பொருள் தரும் 
குழந்தையாய்-ஓர் கவிதை! 


உயிர்களை இணைத்து, பின்
பிரிவினால் பிணமாக்கும்,
 பாசக்கயிறு !

மின் விசிறி

தலைகீழாய் தொங்கி

தினசரி காலேண்டர்

பிறருக்கு பலனை சொல்லும் அவளுக்கு,
ஏனோ தெரியவில்லை,
 தனக்கு விதித்தது மரணம் என்று...