A poetry book by Roma Gupta Sinha

It’s hard being a writer to be vulnerable and share one’s life as is but in this #BlogchatterEBook, “Soft Strings Of My Heart”, the author Roma Gupa Singha makes it look easy. As the by-line of her book says, she has weaved her soul into poetic florets. The outstanding feature of this book is its honesty right from the start where the dedication reads, “I dedicate this book to my resilience and to my love for life…”. The poet has let the readers get a peek into her life through her verses.
To start with, the vibrant cover of the book had me fall for it instantly. The choice of colours and the floral design, give out a sense of bold and beautiful, aptly capturing the essence of the book.
The poems grouped under five chapters in the book bring about the different phases the poet has been through. Under the first chapter, “The call of the woman in me”, along with putting forth her journey as a strong woman standing for herself, Roma has also voiced out the agonies of other women who have opened up to her looking for solace. I’m sure those women who find their vulnerabilities voiced through Roma would have found solace and courage as well.
She doesn’t want to deprive them of their father’s love The same crap I have been listening for years I have come across so many wonderful women with battered souls Staying under the same roof for this reason ~ Summon up all your courage my love You have the power to weave your nest the way you want You have the power, believe in yourself Get up and give him back what he deserves ~
The second chapter, titled, ” “Love in its infinite forms”, captures the sweet tenderness of the poet’s love for the man of her life. Roma vivdly captures her love life in words of beauty and simplicity. Just one look into the poem, you know their love story is sophisticated in the simplicity. It’s pure joy.
The gentle sea waves kissed our feet,
As if trinkets of joy tickling us sweet
Our eyes gave each other a warm embrace,
As our fingers too spoke to each other with smiles
I need to tell you this, my one
when I will be gone
I don’t want to drip
down your eyes like tears
promise me you’ll rather keep me alive
in your beautiful smiles
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In the third chapter, ” Maa and Motherhood” Roma introduces herself as a caring mother and also reminisces the fond memories of her late mother with verses weaved through the threads of gentleness. The straightforward lines just make it all the more relatable.
With you my little one I have lived my childhood again multiple times Weaved uncountable memories Which warm my heart every time ~ Time is just flying by And in my arms, I wish to hold you tight Before you grow up into a handsome young man ready to fly ~
She waits for me in the lovely morn's dew drops... And caresses and pampers me through her silent touch, When I walk bare feet on the wet grass That's where I forever find my Mom ~
While the fourth chapter, ” My unending battle with chronic endometriosis” captures the author’s struggle and strength, the fifth chapter, “My beloved teacher, life’s gifts to me (in random order)”, captures the myriad shades of her life’s journey with a lens of optimism.
Surgery after surgery My threshold to bear the pain has gone for a toss Now my heart shatters at the slightest thought Of undergoing it one more time They say endometriosis has no cure I even altered my lifestyle and lost forty pounds But it never really stopped Torturing me and making me weak in my mental resolve
I inched closer to the tree With a wide smile, to be finally meeting my Lord Supreme With every step, I felt healed I felt He loved his people unconditionally I walked faster So wanting to thank Him in person Finally, I took a sneak peek behind the tree And can you guess who was there, exuding the divine white light... ~
The poet, Roma, has bared her soul and let us all into her life through her verses of honesty. Right from the start till the end, there is a contagious optimism that seeps through these verses and sticks forever with the reader. And I tell you, it will only help you find strength through your struggles and look forward to life with unconditional love that the author gifts us with in this book.
To grab a free promotional copy of the EBook, click here: https://theblogchatter.com/download/soft-strings-of-my-heart-by-roma-gupta-sinha…

P.S. Have you downloaded the copy of my Poetry EBook “Dharma Artha Kama Moksha” yet? If not, click here.
To know more about the ideation and crafting gone behind my book, check out this cool review of my book cum tête-á-tête with Sonia Dogra, here.
This review is part of the #BlogchatterEBook carnival, 2022.
‘I’m participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter’.