Zayn & Zoey- Environment Series

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.
~Robert Swann
Perfect for kids of 5 years and above, the Zayn & Zoey- Environment Series is a perfect conversation starter for topics on Environment and Sustainability.
We got this book recommendation from fellow parents through the Fb community, Kids Book Cafe, which is an active community in raising readers. Check their website here, for age-appropriate recommendations.
This series has three books: Reduce-Reuse-Recycle, Rainwater Harvesting and Learn About Solar Power and I would suggest that you start introducing the books to kids in the same order as I have put out here for better comprehension.
The books are written in simple language and colourfully illustrated on gloss finish pages which is sure to hook young readers.

Zayn & Zoey-Reduce-Reuse-Recycle
As the title suggests this explains the 3Rs; reduce, reuse and recycle; in a way that could easily get a kid thinking and come up with their own idea.
It explains how waste can affect the environment and how one can practise the 3 rs in daily life, like utilising the backside of old worksheets for rough work, having toy donation drive at schools, wrapping gifts with newspaper, etc.
This particular book is my daughter’s favourite as she was able to practically try the ideas out instantly.
The Zayn & Zoey: Environment Series comes highly recommended for school libraries as this makes up for a great conversation starter and relevant read around Environmental issues and can help kids take action as a group or community.
Rainwater Harvesting with Zayn & Zoey
With beautifully illustrated pictures this book shows kids how rainwater harvesting is done by taking the kids on a tour of Zayn & Zoey’s Grandma Grey’s farm.
I loved the questions of Zayn and Zoey that were part of the narrative. They were typical of kids that exhibited curiosity and wonder elements.
Teeny Weeny Tip: Next time when it rains, get your kid involved in placing a bucket closed with a thin cotton cloth as a filter, in an open area where you can harvest the rainwater. I am sure they will be amused at how this little act could save a considerable amount of water.
Zayn & Zoey- Learn About Solar Power
Addressing the curiosity of kids about how the sun can give us electricity, this book is written engagingly informative. Language is lucid and helps in better comprehension of a complex process in simpler words.
This book talks about solar panels and the various benefits and applications of solar power.
There are interesting fun facts throughout the book that feeds hungry minds.
Pro Tip: For some practical ways to utilise solar energy at a small scale that can involve kids, try these:
- Ask them to sun dry their hair after a head bath instead of opting for a hairdryer.
- Explain to them the benefits of sun-drying washed clothes instead of running an additional cycle of hot spin.
- Involve your kids in sun-drying mangoes or tomatoes and help them how solar power can be used to our benefit in easier ways.
Wrap up words
I highly recommend this book as conversations on environmental issues, energy, conservation and sustainability are the need of the hour, especially for the younger generation to make conscious choices.
Here are some of our little wins:
Some of the little ways that my 10-year-old understands and makes efforts independently for sustainable solutions. (Proud momma here!)
Labels made from one side papers Damaged plastic containers used as pots & pet bottles used as sprinklers Greeting card made out of scrap Doll makeover 1 Makeover 2 Makeover 3 Makeover 4 Makeover 5
When it comes to sustainability, inclusivity is mandatory, which means involving kids too in having talks on sustainability and helping them take independent steps, how much ever small they may be.
Every small step towards sustainability matters and let’s help young minds make conscious choices.
For now, I leave you with this quote to ruminate upon:
“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper, That we may record our emptiness.”
~Khalil Gibran
“This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter.”
I found this post on Blogchatter, and I’ve been on the prowl for books on sustainability that are digestible for little kids. Thanks so much for sharing this review! I’ll be sure to check these out.
Glad to know this post helped. Thank you, Brittany 🙂