Book review

Whispered Melodies: A Journey Through Verses – Book Review

"Whispers Melodies - A Journey through Verses" is a collection of English poems written by Neerja Bhatnagar. With profound insight and heartfelt expressions, Neerja takes readers on a poetic journey that explores the interconnectedness of nature, emotions, and the human soul.
Whispered Melodies – Book Review

Book Details

Title: Whispered Melodies: A Journey Through Verses

Author & Illustrator: Neerja Bhatnagar

Publisher: Self-published

Genre: Poetry

Type: Kindle

Price: ₹99


“Whispers Melodies – A Journey through Verses” is a collection of English poems written by Neerja Bhatnagar. With profound insight and heartfelt expressions, Neerja takes readers on a poetic journey that explores the interconnectedness of nature, emotions, and the human soul.

The book immerses readers in the enchanting beauty of the natural world, where Neerja skillfully weaves words to paint vivid imagery. Neerja’s poems beautifully evoke the vast array of emotions nature can evoke within us. Beyond the realm of nature, the poet delves deep into the intricacies of human emotions, exploring the tapestry of joy, sorrow, love, and longing. With exquisite sensitivity, Neerja’s verses evoke empathy and resonance, offering solace and understanding to readers who have experienced similar emotional landscapes. Her poems serve as a bridge between hearts, reminding us that we are not alone in our experiences and that our emotions connect us to one another in profound ways.

As the collection unfolds, she delves into the depths of the human soul, delving into questions of identity, purpose, and spirituality. Through introspective verses, she invites readers to contemplate the mysteries of life and the profound connection between the outer world and our inner selves. Her poems inspire readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery, urging them to listen to the whispers of their own souls and find solace and meaning in the harmony of existence.

“Whispered Melodies – A Journey through Verses” is a poetic tapestry that celebrates the beauty and complexity of the natural world, unravels the intricacies of human emotions, and encourages readers to embark on a soul-stirring exploration. Neerja Bhatnagar’s eloquent verses serve as an invitation to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the enchanting essence of nature, emotions, and the eternal soul.
This is Neerja’s first book of verses.

Book Review

“Whispered Melodies: A Journey Through Verses” by Neerja Bhatnagar is a collection of poems that draw inspiration from everyday life. These poems explore universal emotions and perspectives we encounter in our daily lives, and the poet skillfully captures these moments with beautiful rhyme and rhythm. In a literary era dominated by contemporary free verse, Bhatnagar’s work stands out as a refreshing departure with its emphasis on rhyme and rhythm.

Beginning with a poetic dedication to all lovers of verse, this collection embarks on a captivating journey through the world of poetry. Comprising over 50 introspective poems, these verses delve into the realms of nature, our deepest emotions, and the enigmatic bond we share with the cosmos. Each poem invites readers to pause, savour life’s moments, and contemplate the intricacies of our existence, fostering a deeper appreciation for both the ordinary and extraordinary facets of our journey.

I particularly liked the poems titled “Starry Nights” with one from a child’s perspective and the other from that of an adolescent. It’s intriguing to witness how our perspectives evolve from childhood to adulthood. While childhood is filled with wonder, adulthood often brings a sense of longing, and Bhatnagar skillfully portrays this contrast within the same starry nights.

In some of the poems like the one titled “Emotional Breakdown” with the following verses in between, the author packs in surprise elements.

The pain is all-consuming,
It's like a raging fire,
Burning deep within me,
And I can't help but admire.

~An excerpt from the poem "Emotional Breakdown"

Amidst descriptions of overwhelming pain akin to a raging fire, the last line of the stanza comes as a surprise element that hints at an appreciation for the resilience found within vulnerability, adding depth to the emotional narrative. There are many such places that would make one pause and reflect and more so, relate to what the poet says.

However, there are a few areas that could benefit from improvement. The formatting of the poems, while not detrimental to the essence of the work, could have been more reader-friendly, especially for screen readers. Another aspect that could be addressed is the repetition of certain phrases throughout the collection. Some of these repetitions may have been reworked to avoid redundancy and enhance the overall impact of the poems. A more thorough editing process would have resolved this issue.

Additionally, the last stanzas of the poems felt a bit forced and heavy-handed in delivering a moral message, more like prose. While it’s important to convey meaning in poetry, not every poem needs a clear moral. Leaving some poems open-ended can engage the reader’s imagination and sense of wonder.

But that said there are definitely pages and verses that are to stay with me forever. Here are a few from the collection:

The stars twinkle and shine so bright,
A galaxy of diamonds in flight.
Each one a world so far away,
Yet close enough for us to play

~An excerpt from the poem "Starry Night(as seen by a kid)
The night sky, a place to dream,
A space that's not quite what it seems.
It brings a sense of awe and grace,
And sets the mind and heart to race.

~An excerpt from the poem "Starry Night(as seen by an adolescent)

Suggested Read: Happy Endings- Book Review

Self-love is a precious gew,
A treasure that we must all find within.
It's a journey of discovery,
To embrace our flaws and feel free.

~An excerpt from the poem "Self Love"

Reflection is a mirror that we hold,
A chance to see ourselves so bold,
And in the light of our own gaze,
We find the strength to change our ways.

~An excerpt from the poem "Reflection"

Wrap up words

In conclusion, “Whispered Melodies: A Journey Through Verses” offers a fresh perspective on elements of nature, human emotions and the mystic bond between us and the cosmos through its verses of rhyme and rhythm. As such, I recommend this collection to younger readers, such as middle graders and college students (thanks to the clean language in the poems) and also those who are just starting to explore poetry and appreciate true rhyme. As for seasoned poetry readers, accustomed to contemporary poetry that delves into free verse, this rhyming style might come as a refreshing change. If you are someone who is into reflective poetry and appreciates the beauty of rhyme, then this book is for you.

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“This review is powered by Blogchatter’s Book Review Program

This Kind Of Child: The ‘Disability’ Story- Book Review

Designed by the Author using Canva

Book details

Title: This Kind Of Child: The ‘Disability’ Story

Author: K. Srilata

Genre: Non-fiction

Publisher: Westland Publications


‘I am the mother of a child who did not fit the school system, a child who was disabled by it. She was a child who made “errors”, “mistakes” that the school system was unforgiving of. We were told by the principal of an alternative school that they could not possibly admit “this kind of child”. My daughter went from being a child to “this kind of child” in that one moment.’

When she started working on the book, it was Srilata’s daughter who was its protagonist. But soon, she realised that there was no way she could stop with her daughter’s story. With each step ahead (or back), she became acutely aware of the larger story of the things we frame as ‘disability’.

‘I have learnt that disability is profoundly political, that it is heartbreakingly social.’

In This Kind of Child Srilata brings together first-person accounts, interviews and short fiction which open up for us the experiential worlds of persons with disabilities and those who love them. The book offers a multi-perspectival understanding of the disability experience its emotional as well as imagined truth, both to the disabled themselves as well as to those closely associated with them.

‘1 have learnt that stories are always bigger than they seem at first—bigger, wider and deeper.’

At the heart of this book is inter-being and the question: What does it mean to love and accept yourself or someone else fully?

Book Review

“This Kind of Child: The ‘Disability’ Story” by K. Srilata is a book that weaves together various perspectives on the disability experience through the voices of individuals with disabilities, their caregivers, families, and institutions that work with people with disabilities. The format of the book is fluid, incorporating first-person accounts, interviews, and short stories, which aptly capture the diversity of the disability narrative that cannot be summarized by a “one size fits all” approach.

As I began reading this book, I was immediately impressed by the author’s conscious decision to include a “note on terms used” that highlights their preference for people-first language. This gave me confidence in the book’s authenticity. As I continued to the Preface, I empathised with the author. A few pages into the narrative, I, as someone living with an autoimmune condition, felt truly seen when the author mentioned the invisible disability that often comes with chronic illnesses. I couldn’t agree more with the author’s assertion that self-representation is crucial to shaping the disability narrative.

The book initially began as a manuscript that focused on capturing the learning difficulties of Srilata’s daughter, who was rejected by a school due to the lack of provisions for “this kind of child.” However, the book organically evolved into a format that incorporates multiple perspectives and facets of the disability story, making it a comprehensive and inclusive representation.

The book is divided into 7 sections, each of which reflects on various aspects of the disability experience. The first section discusses how schools and colleges often disable our youth, while the second highlights the need to move away from the “charity” model towards recognizing disability as a legitimate right. The third section explores the concept of “seeing” and what sighted individuals may overlook, while the fourth section delves into the often-invisible care work associated with disability and its gendered nature. The fifth section features narratives from siblings of individuals with disabilities, providing an additional perspective. The sixth section focuses on creating roadmaps and spaces for individuals with a disability, and the final section includes interleaved stories, all of which come together to provide a 360-degree view of the disability narrative.

Wrap up words

Whether it’s Srilata’s personal experiences as a caregiver, her daughter’s story in her own words, or the other first-person narratives and interviews featured in the book, each one allows the reader to see the disability experience through an empathetic lens, helping us to be less judgemental. Through these narratives, the book allows us to unlearn any preconceived notions we may have had and teaches us to approach disability and individuals with disabilities with an open, non-judgmental attitude. This ability to foster greater understanding and empathy is the true victory of this book.

Also, the beauty of the book lies in its open-ended stories, which serve as a metaphor for the possibility of change and growth over time, both as individuals and as a community. ‘This kind of child’ is certain to be an important part of history and has the potential to create history by initiating larger, kinder, and more inclusive conversations about the disability experience.

Whether abled or disabled, Srilata’s writing leaves readers with a compelling question to contemplate: what does it truly mean to live in our bodies and minds, and to navigate the world?

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A collection of Tickling Humour and Prickling Satire

PC: Designed by the Author using Canva

Book Details

Title: Happimess

Author: Biswajit Banerji

Cover Design: The Book Bakers

Genre: Humour

Type: Paperback

Page Count: 151

Price: ₹299


Happimess is a collection of naughty stories that make us laugh while constantly poking fun at social peculiarities. Narrated mostly in the first person, the stories center around everyday situations that get oddly tangled up.

Once frantic efforts are made to wriggle out, things only get more messy. Flippant and irreverent, the net of satire is cast wide, spanning conspiring home-appliances, outlandish diseases, nosy insurance agents, die-hard hagglers, a botched farewell speech and the like.

It is the constant undercurrent of funny disorderliness that serves to spice-up and unite the stories.

Book Review

Warning: This book may cause laughter, which may be disruptive in certain public places such as hospitals, public meetings, prayer halls, etc. Please consider reading in a more appropriate setting to avoid causing discomfort to those around you. As a personal anecdote, I read this book in a hospital and my uncontrollable laughter garnered some disapproving looks.

Happimess is a collection of humorous short stories drawn from familiar everyday life anecdotes. What makes these stories so appealing is their relatability and the sardonic tone of the author, capturing experiences that we all share but often don’t express.

The author, Biswajit Banerji’s wit is evident from the Dedication and Introduction all the way to the Author’s Bio at the end.

“What’s remarkable about Happimess is how the stories take experiences that we might find irritating or frustrating and turn them into the lifeline of the book. From electrical appliances going haywire to haggling gone wrong, or pestering insurance agents or pesky neighbours, we’ve all experienced these things. However, the author’s exaggerated expressions brimming with satire and humour will make us take these experiences in a lighter vein next time, finding amusement in what once caused us annoyance.”

The narrative is in the first person, and the character sketches are spot on, reminding us of someone from our own circle. In addition, the author presents some brilliant ideas for common problems, such as the ‘Marriage Tolerance Test’ or the trick of inflicting insult without injury that the author learned from a friend and generously shares with us.

One story in particular that is sure to crack you up is the ‘Haggler’s Manual,’ which is full of typos. (Note: If you’re not familiar with the term ‘haggling,’ it means bargaining, which is something we, as Indians, are experts at.) Here’s a sample:”

  • Haggling is the king of fart-forms that ultimately leaves no bad taste in the behind, both for the buyers as well as the sellers. Price negotiations continue till both parties are mutually frustrated and one of them passes out to seal the deal.
  • Hagglers must leave their shelf-respect and pride outside when they enter any shop for haggling. Only then can they come out victoriass with smiling faeces and be successpool.

Overall, this debut book of the author Biswajit Banerji delivers the promised laughter, though, in some places, the writing can feel a little verbose. However, the exaggerations make up for it, and it’s definitely a worthwhile read.

I highly recommend this book for an effective dose of laughter, making it an ideal travel companion.

P.S. Meanwhile, I am just trying to unsee/unread the following lines from the book, especially the last verse that takes its inspiration from one of my favourite poems, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost.

The lines from the book:

Mr. Rao is pained by the general apathy to haggling. But he is not one to give up easily and further reiterates in a handout, “A true haggler never throws in his bowel and he has promises to keep and piles to go before he slips.”

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“This review is powered by Blogchatter’s Book Review Program


A go-to guide on DIYs and hacks for sustainable living

Book Review: Live Smart
Book Review: Live Smart

Book details


Author: Teja Lele

Cover Illustrations: Sayan

Cover Design: Amit Malhotra

Inside Illustrations: Surojit Bhattacharjee

Genre: Non-fiction

Type: Paperback

Page Count: 245

Price: Paperback- ₹399, Kindle- ₹223


Are you trying to fix a leaky faucet? Wondering how to treat a bee sting? Looking to purify water without a fancy purifier? Making a chemical-free lotion bar? Wondering what to do with the pile of cardboard boxes left after online retail therapy?

If yes, then Live Smart: 100 Hacks for a Healthier and Happier Life is your go-to guide! Here you will find user-friendly DIY solutions for everyday problems and interesting tips accompanied by illustrations that will help you navigate the how-to-do-its in a step-by-step manner.

Live Smart is an invaluable manual for those looking for practical ways to organize and improve their daily life—and having a little fun while they’re at it!

Book Review

As someone very fond of DIYs and minimalism, I’m always on the lookout for doable hacks which means my phone is filled with screenshots & YouTube videos on DIYs. So it was only natural for me to grab this book when it came for reviewing on the Blogchatter platform.

I assumed it to have a listing of hacks or DIYs like any other book on life hacks but I was proven wrong by this carefully structured and well-rounded book. Right from the start to the end, it kept me hooked.

 “Self-sustainability doesn’t come easy in today’s world, where almost everything we need is a click or a swipe away.”

-Teja Lele

The author knows that for any sort of change to happen it must come from within and starts the book with the right questions-the essential whys. As you read, you are sure to go down memory lane and think of your ancestors’ simplistic lifestyle and yearn for it.

Within the first few pages, the intention of the book as well as that of the reader’s journey on sustainability is set. This makes the book more purposeful and action-oriented than being a mere read.  

Coming to the hacks themselves, there are 100 of them categorised under the sections titled, Home, Food and Kitchen, Beauty, Health and Well-being and Reuse and Recycle. They cover every aspect of our lives be it fixing a leaky tap or revamping leftovers or making your mouthwash or prioritising mental health or reusing fruit peels. The list is endless.

There are also these features like ‘smart tips’ and ‘checklists’ which are like WOW! You definitely need them to make your sustainability journey an easy breeze.  

The hacks/DIYs are crisp with clear instructions and safety precautions/warnings wherever necessary. The hacks are such that they can be appealing to people of any age, no matter wherever they are in their journey of sustainability or self-sustenance. In fact, it was my 10-year-old daughter who read this book first and made her list of things to try first. (Making a bird feeder, homemade mayonnaise and natural eye shadow top her list!)

What I felt even more fascinating is the author’s conversational tone with fictional characters/movie references here and there. Her witty phrases/lines make it more relatable and interesting as well.

More importantly, the author has nowhere made any stereotypical assumptions while talking about domestic chores/tasks or hacks, which is definitely noteworthy. Even the illustrations have made their point.

The cover design and illustration by Amit Malhotra and Sayan, respectively, are attractive and non-stereotypical. The inside illustrations by Surojit Bhattacharjee complement the hacks by giving us a visual insight into how things may look or how things need to be done. It gives the reader much-needed clarity.

‘What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.’

-T.S. Eliot

To top it all, the end (Not the end, as the writer mentions) comes as a cherry on the cake. What a perfect ending, rather, beginning (you will know what I mean when you read this book!) to this journey. What a holistic outlook! It gave the feeling of completeness.

Wrap-up words

This book is definitely a catalyst in my journey of sustainability and it can be yours too. This book will meet you where you are and help you take the necessary steps to up your self-sustenance index and trust me, it is the need of the hour.

Finally, I just have two words-Go, BUY!

Buy here

P.S. This book also gains the credit of enlightening me that cover illustrations and cover design are two different things.

“This review is powered by Blogchatter’s Book Review Program

Who Says Math is Not Your Cup of Tea? -Book Review

A book on ‘The Art of Learning Mathematics With Ease & Efficiency’

PC: Author of this website

Review: Who Says Math is Not Your Cup of Tea?

Author: Tenzin Pedon

Type: Paperback

Pages: 147

Age Group: 11+

Despite India being a land of great Mathematical contributions, it’s sad to note that not many take to Mathematics with great enthusiasm. I have come across children and adults equally, saying that they are ‘phobic’ towards Maths and it only makes me wonder why.

I believe that the way the Indian curriculum is designed (less application oriented) and the teaching methodology (not much of play way method) might be a few reasons for not being to inculcate an interest in Maths among the students.

Adding to that, there are not much of Math books (not the prescribed texts sticking to the syllabus) easily available for the children to get insight and explore the subject joyfully. There is a need for books that cover things outside of the syllabus while also making Maths more approachable.

“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.”

-William James

“Who Says Math is Not Your Cup of Tea” by Tenzin Pedon is one such book that addresses the above issue. It focuses on the ART of learning Mathematics with ease and efficiency. This is not your typical Maths book/guide filled with problems or theorems. Rather, it’s the one that tells you how you develop an interest in Maths by sharing author-proposed learning strategies, making Maths more approachable.

The book starts with an introduction on the need for this book with supporting statistics which I know many would relate to. Not just that, it also sets the tone for the book on what a reader can expect and how to use the book for reaping the maximum benefit. So better not to skip the introduction.

The book’s content is divided into 4 parts- The high-five rule, Learning to conceptualize Mathematics, Learning to visualize Mathematics and Learning to solve word problems. I’m sure that just one look into the topics would pique your interest as this is not the kind of Math book we generally come across. Also, it’s something that’s addressing the struggles that we would have had during our learning stages.

With clear diction, appropriate diagrams and flow charts, the author familiarises us with her unique learning strategies like the high-five rule which makes it appealing even to the younger generation. It’s more like a self-help book to improve our Mathematical skills which goes beyond numbers and numerals.

“Every problem has a solution; it may sometimes just need another perspective.”

-Katherine Russell

There are a number of strategies discussed aided with real-life examples which makes it easy to grasp and retain the concepts. Be it going with the schema approach, connecting the concepts, creating mind maps, concept attainment model or use of Venn diagrams, there is a plethora of option to go for the strategy that appeals to you the best.

An interesting feature of the book is that there are questions (not Maths problems) and tables included in the introduction and in a few chapters which can come in handy to the reader to evaluate themselves then and there and see how far they have progressed. Also there are blank pages at the end of the book to take notes, if need be.

And not to forget, a list of online resources for Learning Math in a fun way that the author has put at the end of the book. I myself have used many of those resources and I must say they change your perspective towards Maths and get you addicted to numbers. The list compiled by the author is highly resourceful and you better make the best use of it. Many of them are absolutely free to use while a few may come with a minimal subscription fee.

Parting Words

The author being a Junior Research Fellow (JRF), with a primary research area in Mathematics Education, has not only identified the pitfalls in our approach towards Mathematical learning but also provided us with a hands-on process to overcome the difficulties in learning Math. Simply put, the author’s years of classroom teaching and research work reflects in this resourceful book.

This book is not just for reading but for actual utilisation by putting the strategies to work. This is more like a self-help book and will be more effective for anyone who is struggling with Math but would love to do better in the subject. I recommend this book for ages 11 and above, including teachers and parents. This book will be a resourceful addition to school libraries.

P.S.: The author of the book, Tenzin Pedon and I did our UG together. She was my peer, competitor but above all, a best friend for life and I shall assure you that in no way is the review biased. It’s pure joy to see my friend grow and I’m just sharing my joy with you all, through this review.

Also, did I mention, I got a Author signed copy for myself. Honestly, this is the first Author-signed book that I have in my collection. Yaay! Thanks to Pedon and wishing her the best, today & always 🙂

My Author-signed copy of the book!

To grab a paperback copy of this book, click here. You can also download a free copy under Kindle Unlimited.

26 Verses and 26 Prose Notes on 26 Lofty Topics- Book Review

Reflective poetry cum prose by Rajeev Moothedath

0PC: ©Blogchatter | EBook by Rajeev Moothedath

” A poem is the very image of life expressed in its eternal truth.”

~Percy Bysshe Shelley

A collection of 26 poems along with a deeper insight into the verses, in prose, this #BlogchatterEBook by Rajeev Moothedath makes you reflect on life and the myriad experiences we go through on a day-to-day basis.

In my experience of writing poetry over years, I have come across various types of readers, especially regarding verses. While one set of readers prefer lyrical verses loaded with vivid imageries and metaphors, the other set prefers straightforward lines that may come as a close contender with prose. The best part is every reader finds a book and every book finds its reader.

Now, this book, which is a mix of poetry accompanied by prose will have a greater appeal to those who prefer straightforwardness in verses with perspectives held within.

Delighting in the good, no matter where and to whom it happened
Ignoring the evil, not dwelling on it to give it power
Is perhaps the sure fire way to be happy, peaceful, contented

The author has chosen a particular word for each letter of the English alphabet and reflected upon it in verses of 5 lines in each poem. It amazes me to see how well he has managed to maintain the same structure all through his poems.

Suggested Read:

To make it easier for the reader, he has shared his insights on the verses as in what experiences got him to this and his perspectives in prose. This is an added advantage for those who are taking to poetry freshly. It helps them comprehend the poetry well.

I particularly loved the way the poet has connected the pieces with examples from real life. Like the one on ‘Delight’ where he points out that in the newspapers of Israel the first few pages are always about positive things, emphasising on a state such as,

Anything, as long as the front page of mind is always in delight!

His perspectives are fresh when he pens on the topic- ‘Ethereal’, finding power and strength in things delicate or when he writes about winning over ourselves.

Open your window to aesthetics- Love for art, poetry, music, culture

But he has also not shied away from talking about the cliched ‘money’ or ‘religion’. Despite being a cliched topic, it does catch the reader’s fancy, because no matter what, a few things need to be hammered on our heads to get the impact, no matter how many times.

One of my favourites from the collection is this poem, on ‘Karma’, where the poet expresses that Karma acts as an anchor for living life in moderation.

Do not fear Karma, nor pooh pooh it
To the extent of declaring "I just don't care..."
And give in to indulgences and cruelty
Just be sufficiently aware so as to not take
Two steps forward and then four steps backward!!

Also, not to forget the piece on “X-ray” that came as a surprise towards the end of the collection with a very fresh dimension to it. I really look forward to the M-ray (keep guessing or just grab the book!).

I just wished a little more time and attention could have been given to the cover design. A single stand-alone pic/graphic/abstract art would have looked better than a collage. Anyways, that didn’t hamper the reading experience though.

Cheers to the reflective poems with perspectives old & new!

To grab a promotional copy of the book, click here.

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This review is part of the #BlogchatterEBook carnival, 2022.

‘I’m participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter’.


An uplifting fiction by Suchita Agarwal

PC: ©Blogchatter | EBook by Suchita Agarwal
PC: ©Blogchatter | EBook by Suchita Agarwal

“If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.”

~Orson Welles

Happy Endings, who doesn’t look for it right? Every one of us does. But what matters is who is more resilient to wait, work and witness it come true. The author Suchita’s #BlogchatterEBook, Happy Endings, is a collection of short stories of hope and resilience.

The 5 stories are titled after the protagonists of each story and I must say that each one of them is so different. The character sketches of each one of them are so unique and mind-blowing with the only common thread between them being their strength to fight their battles, relentlessly.

While it is easier for each one of us to get lost in the failures or the battles of life, this book comes as a ray of hope to always look for the light at the end of tunnel.

Suggested Read:

I must confess that I’m not much of a fiction reader but the early reviews of the book gave me a feeling that the stories and the characters may give a sense of real life than an imaginary one and I was right in my guess. What spoke to me much is the hardships that the characters face looked so real and one can very much relate to them. That instantly evokes a sense of empathy for them and knowingly or unknowingly we start being a part of their journey and I guess that’s where the victory of the author’s writing lies.

Be it Sameera’s fight against cancer, Mayank’s struggle to get out the rut of his mid life crisis, Avantika’s search for purpose in life, Urmilla’s reflections aftermath her sister’s death or Pranjal’s coping up through a psychological disorder, each one is a story of victory with a happy ending. The best of the book is its uniqueness in its characters, plots and the conflicts. They are so diverse and hats off for that.

The writing, the choice of words are sure to make you introspect and reflect your own journey too. Here are some of my favourite lines:

What does the sea mean to you?

Who knew? Maybe the future.

But you did choose this life.
She grimaced, “That doesn’t mean I can’t hate it from time to time.”

What is real? How does one define it? Do you define real by what you can see?

“Happy Endings” definitely makes for a great read that is sure to help you strongly resolve to seek the happy ending of your lives. I hope you find your way too 🙂

P.S. I absolutely loved the neat and intriguing cover page of the book!

To grab a promotional copy of the book, click here.

This review is part of the #BlogchatterEBook carnival, 2022.

‘I’m participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter’.

A Must-read Book With Actionable Points on Sustainability

Our Environment-Threats, Challenges And Sustainable Solutions

Image that reads Book on sustainable solutions for young minds: Our Environment-Threats, Challenges& Sustainable Solutions
Designed by the author on Canva

“Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It’s about doing more good.”

~Jochen Zeitz

When it comes to books on sustainability, especially for young minds, it must give a big picture and the actions needed at smaller levels. This book, Our Environment from Scholastic Publication does exactly that, which makes it a must-read.

Covering topics on environment, energy, environmental challenges and environmental responsibility, this makes for a wholesome read.

The book starts by answering the big question, what is the environment. It captures the pre-industrialisation, post-industrialisation and current situation, rightly and navigates us through different kinds of ecosystems and their functions. It talks about the biodiversity of India in specific and the threats to it.

A must read for children

The topic then moves on to different kinds of energy resources and how can we be more efficient in energy consumption and saving. The explanations start with examples that kids can relate to in their everyday life and then gradually scales up to help them understand the big picture.

There’s a wide range of topics covered, say from composting at home to the management of industrial waste, everything small and big that impacts or affects the environment is explained comprehensively. The language is lucid. It is not preachy but convincing.

Most importantly, there are small actionable points across the pages that can make a kid feel capable and take action in saving the earth in their own small, yet vital ways.

There are exercises that would make kids think about and take environmental issues seriously.

The best part of the book is that it ends by giving a brief outlook on the variety of “green careers” one can opt for and how to go about pursuing them.

To help the kids get inspired in choosing a green career, the book also goes on to tell about “planet pioneers” and their contributions.

To top it all, it ends on the topic of “Start A Campaign For Change” and there can’t be a much well-rounded, action-oriented book on sustainable solutions than this.

A highly recommended book for schools and homes as well, for everyone young & old.

To get a copy of the book, click here: Our Environment by Scholastic

Suggested Read:

“This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter.”

‘I’m participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter’.

Soft Strings Of My Heart- Book Review

A poetry book by Roma Gupta Sinha

An image designed by Blogchatter that showcases the poetry book, Soft Strings Of My Heart, by the author Roma Gupta Sinha.
©Blogchatter | EBook by Roma Gupta Sinha

It’s hard being a writer to be vulnerable and share one’s life as is but in this #BlogchatterEBook, “Soft Strings Of My Heart”, the author Roma Gupa Singha makes it look easy. As the by-line of her book says, she has weaved her soul into poetic florets. The outstanding feature of this book is its honesty right from the start where the dedication reads, “I dedicate this book to my resilience and to my love for life…”. The poet has let the readers get a peek into her life through her verses.

To start with, the vibrant cover of the book had me fall for it instantly. The choice of colours and the floral design, give out a sense of bold and beautiful, aptly capturing the essence of the book.

The poems grouped under five chapters in the book bring about the different phases the poet has been through. Under the first chapter, “The call of the woman in me”, along with putting forth her journey as a strong woman standing for herself, Roma has also voiced out the agonies of other women who have opened up to her looking for solace. I’m sure those women who find their vulnerabilities voiced through Roma would have found solace and courage as well.

She doesn’t want to deprive them of their father’s love
The same crap I have been listening for years
I have come across so many wonderful women with battered souls
Staying under the same roof for this reason


Summon up all your courage my love
You have the power to weave your nest the way you want
You have the power, believe in yourself
Get up and give him back what he deserves


The second chapter, titled, ” “Love in its infinite forms”, captures the sweet tenderness of the poet’s love for the man of her life. Roma vivdly captures her love life in words of beauty and simplicity. Just one look into the poem, you know their love story is sophisticated in the simplicity. It’s pure joy.

The gentle sea waves kissed our feet,
As if trinkets of joy tickling us sweet
Our eyes gave each other a warm embrace,
As our fingers too spoke to each other with smiles


I need to tell you this, my one
when I will be gone
I don’t want to drip
down your eyes like tears
promise me you’ll rather keep me alive
in your beautiful smiles


You may like this related read: Book review of the Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore

In the third chapter, ” Maa and Motherhood” Roma introduces herself as a caring mother and also reminisces the fond memories of her late mother with verses weaved through the threads of gentleness. The straightforward lines just make it all the more relatable.

With you my little one
I have lived my childhood again multiple times
Weaved uncountable memories
Which warm my heart every time
Time is just flying by
And in my arms, I wish to hold you tight
Before you grow up into a handsome young man
ready to fly
She waits for me in the lovely morn's dew drops...
And caresses and pampers me through her silent touch,
When I walk bare feet on the wet grass
That's where I forever find my Mom

While the fourth chapter, ” My unending battle with chronic endometriosis” captures the author’s struggle and strength, the fifth chapter, “My beloved teacher, life’s gifts to me (in random order)”, captures the myriad shades of her life’s journey with a lens of optimism.

Surgery after surgery
My threshold to bear the pain has gone for a toss
Now my heart shatters at the slightest thought
Of undergoing it one more time

They say endometriosis has no cure
I even altered my lifestyle and lost forty pounds
But it never really stopped
Torturing me and making me weak in my mental


I inched closer to the tree
With a wide smile, to be finally meeting my Lord Supreme
With every step, I felt healed
I felt He loved his people unconditionally

I walked faster
So wanting to thank Him in person
Finally, I took a sneak peek behind the tree
And can you guess who was there, exuding the divine white light...

The poet, Roma, has bared her soul and let us all into her life through her verses of honesty. Right from the start till the end, there is a contagious optimism that seeps through these verses and sticks forever with the reader. And I tell you, it will only help you find strength through your struggles and look forward to life with unconditional love that the author gifts us with in this book.

To grab a free promotional copy of the EBook, click here:…

P.S. Have you downloaded the copy of my Poetry EBook “Dharma Artha Kama Moksha” yet? If not, click here.

To know more about the ideation and crafting gone behind my book, check out this cool review of my book cum tête-á-tête with Sonia Dogra, here.

This review is part of the #BlogchatterEBook carnival, 2022.

‘I’m participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter’.

Books on Sustainability for Young Minds

Zayn & Zoey- Environment Series

Designed by the Author using Canva

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.

~Robert Swann

Perfect for kids of 5 years and above, the Zayn & Zoey- Environment Series is a perfect conversation starter for topics on Environment and Sustainability.

We got this book recommendation from fellow parents through the Fb community, Kids Book Cafe, which is an active community in raising readers. Check their website here, for age-appropriate recommendations. 

This series has three books: Reduce-Reuse-Recycle, Rainwater Harvesting and Learn About Solar Power and I would suggest that you start introducing the books to kids in the same order as I have put out here for better comprehension. 

The books are written in simple language and colourfully illustrated on gloss finish pages which is sure to hook young readers. 

Picture of Zayn & Zoey-Environment Series Books
Zayn & Zoey-Environment Series Books

Zayn & Zoey-Reduce-Reuse-Recycle

As the title suggests this explains the 3Rs; reduce, reuse and recycle; in a way that could easily get a kid thinking and come up with their own idea. 

It explains how waste can affect the environment and how one can practise the 3 rs in daily life, like utilising the backside of old worksheets for rough work, having toy donation drive at schools, wrapping gifts with newspaper, etc. 

This particular book is my daughter’s favourite as she was able to practically try the ideas out instantly. 

The Zayn & Zoey: Environment Series comes highly recommended for school libraries as this makes up for a great conversation starter and relevant read around Environmental issues and can help kids take action as a group or community. 

Rainwater Harvesting with Zayn & Zoey

With beautifully illustrated pictures this book shows kids how rainwater harvesting is done by taking the kids on a tour of Zayn & Zoey’s Grandma Grey’s farm. 

I loved the questions of Zayn and Zoey that were part of the narrative. They were typical of kids that exhibited curiosity and wonder elements. 

Teeny Weeny Tip: Next time when it rains, get your kid involved in placing a bucket closed with a thin cotton cloth as a filter, in an open area where you can harvest the rainwater. I am sure they will be amused at how this little act could save a considerable amount of water. 

Zayn & Zoey- Learn About Solar Power

Addressing the curiosity of kids about how the sun can give us electricity, this book is written engagingly informative. Language is lucid and helps in better comprehension of a complex process in simpler words.

This book talks about solar panels and the various benefits and applications of solar power. 

There are interesting fun facts throughout the book that feeds hungry minds. 

Pro Tip: For some practical ways to utilise solar energy at a small scale that can involve kids, try these:

  1. Ask them to sun dry their hair after a head bath instead of opting for a hairdryer. 
  2. Explain to them the benefits of sun-drying washed clothes instead of running an additional cycle of hot spin.
  3. Involve your kids in sun-drying mangoes or tomatoes and help them how solar power can be used to our benefit in easier ways. 

Wrap up words

I highly recommend this book as conversations on environmental issues, energy, conservation and sustainability are the need of the hour, especially for the younger generation to make conscious choices. 

Here are some of our little wins:

Some of the little ways that my 10-year-old understands and makes efforts independently for sustainable solutions. (Proud momma here!)

When it comes to sustainability, inclusivity is mandatory, which means involving kids too in having talks on sustainability and helping them take independent steps, how much ever small they may be.

Every small step towards sustainability matters and let’s help young minds make conscious choices.

For now, I leave you with this quote to ruminate upon:

“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky, We fell them down and turn them into paper, That we may record our emptiness.”

~Khalil Gibran

“This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter.”