A book on ‘The Art of Learning Mathematics With Ease & Efficiency’

Review: Who Says Math is Not Your Cup of Tea?
Author: Tenzin Pedon
Type: Paperback
Pages: 147
Age Group: 11+
Despite India being a land of great Mathematical contributions, it’s sad to note that not many take to Mathematics with great enthusiasm. I have come across children and adults equally, saying that they are ‘phobic’ towards Maths and it only makes me wonder why.
I believe that the way the Indian curriculum is designed (less application oriented) and the teaching methodology (not much of play way method) might be a few reasons for not being to inculcate an interest in Maths among the students.
Adding to that, there are not much of Math books (not the prescribed texts sticking to the syllabus) easily available for the children to get insight and explore the subject joyfully. There is a need for books that cover things outside of the syllabus while also making Maths more approachable.
“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.”
-William James
“Who Says Math is Not Your Cup of Tea” by Tenzin Pedon is one such book that addresses the above issue. It focuses on the ART of learning Mathematics with ease and efficiency. This is not your typical Maths book/guide filled with problems or theorems. Rather, it’s the one that tells you how you develop an interest in Maths by sharing author-proposed learning strategies, making Maths more approachable.
The book starts with an introduction on the need for this book with supporting statistics which I know many would relate to. Not just that, it also sets the tone for the book on what a reader can expect and how to use the book for reaping the maximum benefit. So better not to skip the introduction.
The book’s content is divided into 4 parts- The high-five rule, Learning to conceptualize Mathematics, Learning to visualize Mathematics and Learning to solve word problems. I’m sure that just one look into the topics would pique your interest as this is not the kind of Math book we generally come across. Also, it’s something that’s addressing the struggles that we would have had during our learning stages.
With clear diction, appropriate diagrams and flow charts, the author familiarises us with her unique learning strategies like the high-five rule which makes it appealing even to the younger generation. It’s more like a self-help book to improve our Mathematical skills which goes beyond numbers and numerals.
“Every problem has a solution; it may sometimes just need another perspective.”
-Katherine Russell
There are a number of strategies discussed aided with real-life examples which makes it easy to grasp and retain the concepts. Be it going with the schema approach, connecting the concepts, creating mind maps, concept attainment model or use of Venn diagrams, there is a plethora of option to go for the strategy that appeals to you the best.
An interesting feature of the book is that there are questions (not Maths problems) and tables included in the introduction and in a few chapters which can come in handy to the reader to evaluate themselves then and there and see how far they have progressed. Also there are blank pages at the end of the book to take notes, if need be.
And not to forget, a list of online resources for Learning Math in a fun way that the author has put at the end of the book. I myself have used many of those resources and I must say they change your perspective towards Maths and get you addicted to numbers. The list compiled by the author is highly resourceful and you better make the best use of it. Many of them are absolutely free to use while a few may come with a minimal subscription fee.
Parting Words
The author being a Junior Research Fellow (JRF), with a primary research area in Mathematics Education, has not only identified the pitfalls in our approach towards Mathematical learning but also provided us with a hands-on process to overcome the difficulties in learning Math. Simply put, the author’s years of classroom teaching and research work reflects in this resourceful book.
This book is not just for reading but for actual utilisation by putting the strategies to work. This is more like a self-help book and will be more effective for anyone who is struggling with Math but would love to do better in the subject. I recommend this book for ages 11 and above, including teachers and parents. This book will be a resourceful addition to school libraries.
P.S.: The author of the book, Tenzin Pedon and I did our UG together. She was my peer, competitor but above all, a best friend for life and I shall assure you that in no way is the review biased. It’s pure joy to see my friend grow and I’m just sharing my joy with you all, through this review.
Also, did I mention, I got a Author signed copy for myself. Honestly, this is the first Author-signed book that I have in my collection. Yaay! Thanks to Pedon and wishing her the best, today & always 🙂

To grab a paperback copy of this book, click here. You can also download a free copy under Kindle Unlimited.
Books like these are sure to make children develop a fearless attitude towards the subject.
Yes ma’am, it definitely does. Thank you for stopping by 🙂